सैनिक स्कूलों में प्रवेश परीक्षा एवं अन्य विविध गतिविधियों की जानकारियॉं
Sunday, November 5, 2023
51 Important Questions on the Human Body for Competitive Exams with Answers | AISSEE | KV | Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam
50+ Important Questions on Human Body for competitive exam | Top GK Questions of Human Body
50+ Important Questions on Human Body for competitive exam | Top GK Questions of Human Body
At very high altitude the RBC in the human body will – Increase in number
Blood is red in colour due to the presence of – Haemoglobin
Bones are connected by which tissue – Ligaments
Colour of eye depends upon pigment presence in – Iris
DPT vaccine is helpful in prevent the disease – Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus
ECG is used for the diagnosis of ailments of – Heart
Failure of which gland results in diabetes in human body – Pancreas
How many basic tastes can humans sense – 5 (sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami)
Image formed on which part of eye – Retina
In human body dialysis is used for failure of which organ – Kidney
In human body formation of red blood cells occur at – Bone marrow
In human body where is tibia bone found – Leg
In human body which organ has maximum power of generation – Liver
In human eye the least distance of distinct vision is – 25 cm
In human universal donor has the blood group of – O
Myopia and hypermetropia diseases connected with – Eyes
Name the largest bone in human body – Femur
Name the largest joint in the human body – Knee
Name the largest vein in human body – Interior Venacava
Name the largest white blood corpuscle – Monocyte
Name the longest muscle in human body – Sartorus muscle
Name the most commonly broken bone in the human body – Clavicle (collarbone)
Name the smallest bone in human body – Stapes
Name the smallest endocrine gland in human body – Pituitary gland
Name the smallest muscle in the human body – Stapedius
Our bones and teeth are made of which element – Tricalcium Phosphate
Thalassemia is hereditary diseases which affects – Blood
Transport of oxygen in human body by – Blood
Universal recipient has the blood group of – AB
What is life span of RBC – 120 days
What is the another name of human voice box – Larynx
What is the average length of large intestine – 1.5 meter
What is the average length of small intestine – 7 meter
What is the body temperature of healthy human – 36.9 or 27 degree centigrade
What is the largest part of brain – Cerebrum
What is the main constituent of hemoglobin – Iron
What is the number of chormosomes in human cell – 46 (23 pairs)
What is the semi-circular area of nail called – Lunula
What is the total number of bone in human body – 206
Where is mendible bone is located – Jaw
Which component of blood is responsible for clotting – Platelets
Which gland is associated with blood pressure – Adrenal gland
Which gland is associated with disease goiter – thyroid gland
Which hormone is called emergency hormone in human body – Adrenaline gland
Which instrument is used to measure blood pressure – Sphygnomanometer
Which is the largest blood vessel in human body – Aorta
Which isotope of cobalt is used in detection of cancer – Cobalt – 60
Which organ filters blood in human body – Spleen
Why blood do not clot inside the blood vessel – due to presence of heparin
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Most Important Questions on Human Body System for Competitive Exams // Sainik School Entrance Exam // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya // RIMC
About how much urine is produced in the human body every day - about 1 to 1.5 liters
Blind dot or yellow dot are found in which part of the eye - Retina
How long does it take to circulate blood in the human body - 23 seconds
How many bones are there in an adult human - 206
How many cells are there in the heart of a human being - 4
How many layers of skin are there in the epidermis- 5
How many times does a human heart beat ? 72 times/ minute
Krebs cycle occurs in which organ - Mitochondria
The exchange of gases in the lungs is done by whom - by Blood
The level of glucose in the blood is expressed in – in milligrams per decilitre
The number of RBCs is more in mountain dwellers, because - the air on the mountain is less condensed
Urea is produced in which organ in the human body - Liver
What causes urine to smell - Due to urea
What is omnivorous blood group- AB+
What is the amount of blood in a human being - about 5-6 liters
What is the amount of blood of the body weight - 7%
What is the amount of water in the human body-about 60%
What is the average pH value of a normal person's blood - 7.35 - 7.45PH
What is the largest part of the body - skin
What is the life span of white blood Cell (WBC) - 2 to 4 days
What is the name of the largest cell of the human body - Nervous System
What is the number of amino acids in the human body- 20
What is the number of chromosomes in the human body - 46 (23 pairs)
What is the pH value of human urine?- 6.0
What is the process of purification of blood in the human body called - dialysis
What is the respiratory rate of a healthy human being - 16 to 18 times per minute
What is the shape of DNA called - Double Helix
What is the study of the beauty of man called - Kelology
What is the weight of the human brain - 1350 to 1400 grams
What kind of ties are the bones of our skull interconnected by - Fixed joint
Where is the bone called tibia found in the human body- feet
Where is the strongest bone in the human body- Jaw bone
Where is vitamin A stored in the human body - Liver
Where red blood cells (RBC) are mainly formed -in the Bone marrow
Which is the blood pressure measuring instrument –Sphygmomanometer
Which is the enzyme found in saliva- Tylene
Which is the hardest substance in the human body?- Teeth
Which is the heaviest organ of the human – Liver
Which is the largest internal organ of the human body - Liver
Which is the largest part of the human brain-Ceribrum
Which is the longest bone in the human body? – The Femur
Which is the most toxic excretory substance- Ammonia
Which is the organ that purifies blood - Kidney
Which is the weakest bone in the human body? -clavicle or collar bone
Which structure of the eye is the most sensitive but does not contain blood vessels- cornea
Who was the discoverer of blood groups? - Carl Landsteiner
Monday, October 30, 2023
Most Important Foreign Words and Phrases Used in English // Important for competitive Exams // AISSEE // KV// JNV
Most Important Foreign Words and Phrases Used in English // Important for competitive Exams // AISSEE // KV// JNV
Ad interim/ अस्थायी (Latin) In the meantime.
Ad referendum/ अधिक विचार के लिए (Latin) - For further consideration.
Affair d'amour/प्रेम प्रसंग (Latin) - A love affair.
Alma Mater/ मातृसंस्था (Latin) - the school, college, or university that one once attended..
Annie Christi (Latin) - In the year of Christ.
Ars Longa, Vita brevis (Latin) - Art is long, life is short.
Au revoir (French) - Adieu, until we meet again.
Auto (Spanish) -An act, a drama.
Bastide (French) - A French country house.
Beau jour (French) - Fine day, good times.
Beneficiare (French) The person receiving - benefits.
Bon voyage (French) - A good journey to you.
Bonjour (French)-Good day: good morning,
Bourgeoise (French)- The tradesman-gentleman.
Cara sposa (Italian) - Dear wife.
Chef (French)-Male-headcook.
Cognito, ergo sum (Latin)-I think, therefore I am.
Coup d'etat (French) Sudden decisive blow in politics.
Danke, Schoon (German) - Many thanks.
De facto (Latin) - From the fact, really.
Dei gratia (Latin) By the grace of God.
Deus ex machina (Latin) - A God out of the machine.
Dramatis personae (Latin) - Characters in a drama or a play.
Edition de luxe (French) - A splendid and expensive edition of a book.
En famille (French) - Amongs the family, as at home, without ceremony.
En prince (French) - In princely style.
En route (French) -On the road; let us go; march.
Entente (French) - Understanding.
Epouse (French) - Wife, bride.
Estancia (Spanish) - A mansion.
Ethos (Greek) - Permanent character; in literature and art, chief characteristics of a work as affecting the intellectual and moral faculties, as opposed to pathos which appeals to the emotions.
Etranger (French) - Stranger, a foreigner.
Eureka (Meureka) (Greek) - I have found it!
Exceptio confirmat (probat) regulam (Latin) - The exception proves the rule.
Fait accompli (French) - A thing already done.
Gens de letters (French) Literary man.
Id est (Latin) - That is.
In camera (Latin) - In a private room.
In toto (Latin) - In the whole; entirely.
Lingua franca (Italian) - Mixed language.
Magnum opus (Latin) A great work.
Modus operandi (Latin) -- Manner of working.
Ominia Vinist Labor (Latin) - Labour overcomes all things.
Par excellence (French) - By way of eminence.
R.S.V.P. (Response, si'l vous plail) (French)-Reply,if you please, an answer will oblige.
Terra incognita (Latin) - An unknown country.
Via media (Latin) - A middle course.
Vis-a-vis (French) - Opposite, face to face.
Top Foreign Words and Phrases Used in English // Important for competitive Exams // AISSEE // KV// JNV
Top Foreign Words and Phrases Used in English // Important for competitive Exams // AISSEE // KV// JNV
Ab initio/ प्रारंभ से (Latin) - From the beginning.
Ad hoc/ तदर्थ (Latin) - For the special purpose.
Ad libitum/ यथेच्छ (Latin) - As much as one pleases.
Ad valorem/ महत्व के लिए (Latin) - According to value.
A'la mode/ फैशनेबल (French) - Accroding to the custom; in fashion.
Alter ego/ एक और स्व (Latin) -One's other self..
Ante Meridien (Latin) - Before noon.
Au Contraire(Latin) - On the contrary.
Auf wiederschen!(German) - Till we meet again, good bye.
Basta (Italian)-Enough! no more!
Beau garcon (French) - A handsome man.
Bene qui latiut bene vixit (Latin) He has lived well who has lived obscure.
Bon homie (French) - Good nature.
Bona fide (Latin) - Good faith.
Bourgeois (French) - A towns man, a trader of the middle class.
Boutique (French) - A shop, tradesman's stock.
Carpe-diem (Latin) - Enjoy the present day.
Chesara' sara' (Italian) - What will be will be.
Coiffeur (French) - Hair dresser.
Crime de la crime (French) - Cream of the cream; the very best.
De boone grace (French) - With good grace.
De jure (Latin) - From the law; by right.
Detenu (French) - A prisoner.
Donna e' mobile (Italian) - Woman is changeable.
Ecce! (Latin) - Behold!
Elite (French) The best part.
En masse (French) In a body, universally.
En rapport (French) - In direct relation; in sympathy with.
En ville (French) - In town, 'not at home". 1
Entrepreneur (French) - Contractor, builder.
Errare est humanum (Latin)-To err is human.
Et tu, Brute! (Latin) You too, Brutus!(Caesar's exclamation when he saw his much loved Brutus amongst the murderers).
Etoile (French) - Star.
Euge! (Latin, Greek) - Well done!
Excelsior (Latin) - Higher; (erroneously) upwards.
Fade (French) - Insipid, colourless.
Fenome (French) - Woman, wife.
Ibidem (Latin) - In the same place, thing or case.
Impasse (French) - A deadlock.
In memorium (Latin) - To the memory of.
Inter alia (Latin)-Among other things.
Locus Standi (Latin) A right to interfere.
Marriage the convenance (French) - Marriage of convenience.
Mon ami (French) - My friend.
Par example (Latin) - For example.
Prima facie (Latin) - On the first view.
Sine die (Latin) - Without a day being appointed. Status quo (Latin) The state in which (it was).
Ultra vires (Latin) - Beyond one's powers.
Vice versa (Latin) - The terms being exchanged.
Viva voce (Latin) - By the living voice.
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Top 100 One Word Substitutions for Competitive Exam // Sainik School Entrance Exam AISSEE// RIMC // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam
Top 100 One Word Substitutions for Competitive Exam // Sainik School Entrance Exam AISSEE// RIMC // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam
Amateur (शौकिया)- One who plays a game for pleasure and not professionally.
Amnesty (राज-क्षमा)- A general pardon of political offenders.
Anniversary (सालगिरह)- The yearly return of a date.
Antidote (विषहर औषध)- A medicine to counteract the effect of poison.
Armistice (युद्धविराम) - The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed.
Audience(श्रोता) - An assembly of listeners.
Autocracy(निरंकुशता) - An absolute government.
Bureaucracy (नौकरशाही) - Government by officials.
Cemetery(कब्रिस्तान) - A place for burial of dead bodies.
Congregation(मण्डली) - An assembly of worshippers.
Contemporary(समकालीन) - A person who lives at the same time as another.
Dead/Extint Language (विलुप्त भाषा) - A language that is no longer spoken.
Dictatorship(अधिनायकत्व) - Government carried on by an absolute ruler:
Effeminate (स्रैण)- A man whose manners are more like those of a woman.
Emissary (दूत)- A person sent on a mission (usually official).
Extempore(अचिंतित) - A speech made without preparation.
Fatalist(भाग्यवादी) - One who believes in fate
Germicide(रोगाणुनाशक) - A substance that kills germs
Honorary(मानद) - Conferred as an honour, or performed without pay.
Illegal(अवैध) - Contrary to law.
Illicit(अवैध) - Forbidden, prohibited by law.
Immigrant(आप्रवासी) - One who comes as a settler into a foreign country
Impregnable(अभेद्य) - That which cannot be taken by force of arms.
Insolvant(दिवालिया) - Being unable to pay one's debts.
Inadmissible(अस्वीकार्य) - That which cannot be admitted or allowed.
Incombustible(न जलने योग्य) - That which cannot be burnt.
Indestructible(अक्षय) - That which cannot be destroyed.
Indivisible(अभाज्य) - That which cannot be divided.
Inexcusable(अक्षम्य) - That which cannot be excused.
Inexpressible(अकथनीय) - That which cannot be expressed in words
Infanticide(शिशुघातक) - Murder of a new-born infant.
Insecticide(कीटनाशक) - A substance that kills insects.
Invisible(अदृश्य) - That which cannot be seen.
Irreconcilable(कट्टर विरोधी) - That which cannot be reconciled.
Irrevocable(अटल) - That which cannot be recovered.
Linguist (भाषाविद्)- One who knows many languages.
Mammmels(स्तनपायी) - Animals which give suck to their young.
Martyr(शहीद) - One who undergoes penalty of death for sticking to his faith.
Misanthropist(मनुष्यद्रोही) - One who hates mankind.
Nursery(पौधशाला) - A place where young plants are reared.
Notorious(कुख्यात) - Having an evil reputation.
Omnipotent(सर्वशक्तिमान) - Being all-powerful.
Omniscient(सर्वज्ञ) - One who knows everything.
Optimist(आशावादी) - One who looks at the bright side of things.
Orphan(अनाथ) - A child whose parents are dead.
Patricide(पितृहंता) - Murder of one's own father.
Matricide(मातृहंता) - Murder of one's own mother.
Fratricide(भ्रातृहंता) - Murder of one's own brother.
Patriot(देश-भक्त) - One who defends or is zealous for his country's freedom or rights.
Pessimist(निराशावादी) - One who looks at the dark side of things.
Polygamy(बहुविवाह) - The practice of having more than one wife at the same time.
Posthumous(मरणोपरांत) - A child born after the death of his father or a book published after the death of its author.
Regicide(राज-हत्या) - Murder of a king.
Retaliate(प्रतिकार करना) - Give tit for tat.
Simultaneous(एक ही समय में होनेवाला) - Occurring at the same time.
Stoic(उदासीन) - A person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain.
Teetotaller(मद्यत्यागी) - One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks.
Thermometer(तापमापी) - An instrument for measuring temperature.
Unanimous(सर्व-सम्मत) - All of one mind.
Universal(सार्वभौमिक) - Belonging to all parts of the world.
Vegetarian(शाकाहारी) - One who lives on vegetables.
Voluntary(स्वैच्छिक) - Of one's own free will.
Widower(विधुर) - A man whose wife is dead.
Saturday, October 28, 2023
One Word Substitution for Competitive Exam // Sainik School Entrance Exam AISSEE// RIMC // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam
One Word Substitution for Competitive Exam // Sainik School Entrance Exam AISSEE// RIMC // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam
Alien (विदेशी) - One who resides in a country of which he is not a citizen.
Ambassador (राजदूत)- A minister representing a sovereign or state in a foreign country.
Anarchy (अराजकता)- The absence of government in a country.
Anonymous (अज्ञात)- Of unknown or unadmitted authorship.
Apostate (धर्मत्यागी)- One who abandons his religious faith.
Atheist (नास्तिक)- One who has no belief in the existence of God.
Autobiography (आत्मकथा)- The life history of a person written by himself.
Biography (जीवनी)- The life history of a person written by another.
Cannibal (नरभक्षी)- One who eats human flesh.
Conductor (परिचालक)- A person who collects fares on a public vehicle.
Conscription (भर्ती)- Compulsory enlistment for military or other service.
Cosmopolitan (सर्वदेशीय)- Belonging to all parts of the world; a person familiar with many different countries.
Democracy (लोकतंत्र)- Government by the representatives of the people.
Draw(अनिर्णीत) - The result of the match where neither party wins.
Emigrant (उत्प्रवासी)- One who leaves his country to settle elsewhere.
Eternal (शाश्वत)- Existing for ever-without any beginning or end.
Fatal or mortal (घातक)- Resulting in death.
Forgery (जालसाजी)- Counterfeiting of document.
Homicide (मानव वध)- The killing of human beings.
Hospitable (मेहमाननवाज)- Fond of entertaining guests.
Illegible (अपठनीय)- That which cannot be read.
Illiterate (अनपढ़)- A person who can neither read nor write.
Imperceptible (अगोचर) - That which cannot be perceived by sense.
Inaccessible (अगम्य)- That which cannot be reached.
Inaudible (अश्रव्य)- That which cannot be heard.
Incredible (अतुल्य)- That which cannot be believed.
Indispensable (अपरिहार्य) - That which cannot be dispensed with.
Ineligible (अयोग्य)- Not being able to be elected or selected under the rules.
Inexplicit (अस्पष्ट)- Not definitely or clearly expressed.
Infallible (अचूक)- Beyond making a mistake.
Inflammable (ज्वलनशील)- That which can be easily set on fire.
Invincible (अजेय)- That which cannot be conquered.
Invulnerable (अभेद्य) - That which cannot be wounded.
Irrevocable (अपरिवर्तनीय)- That which cannot be altered or recalled.
Logic (तर्क)- The science of reasoning.
Manuscript (पाण्डुलिपि)- A paper written by hand.
Mercenary(किराये का) - The motive merely to get money.
Mortal (नश्वर)- Subject to death.
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)- The word which is no longer in use.
Omnipresent (सर्वव्यापी)- Being present everywhere.
Opaque (अपारदर्शी)- Not allowing the passage of light.
Orator (वक्ता)- One who makes an eloquent public speech.
Panacea (रामबाण)- A cure for all diseases.
Patrimony (पैतृक सम्पत्ति)- Property inherited from one's father or ancestors.
Pedestrian (पदयात्री)- One who walks on foot.
Philanthropist (परोपकारी)- One who loves and works for his fellow men.
Polygon (बहुभुज)- A figure with many angles or sides.
Recluse(वैरागी) - A person who lives by himself.
Republic(गणतन्त्र) - A state in which the Government is carried on nominally, and usually in fact also, by the people or their elected representatives without a monarch.
Sceptic(सन्देहवादी) - One who is given to questioning the truth of facts and the soundness of inferences.
Spendthrift (खर्चीला)- A person who spends his money recklessly.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)- Taking of one's own life.
Theist (आस्तिक)- One who has belief in the existence of God.
Transparent (पारदर्शी)- Allowing the passage of rays of light.
Unavoidable (अपरिहार्य)- That which cannot be avoided.
Usurer (सूदखोर)- One who lends money at exhorbitant rates of interest
Veteran (वयोवृद्ध/सेवानिवृत्त)- One who has grown old in or has long experience of (specially military) service or occupation
Widow (विधवा)- A woman whose husband is dead.
Wirelesss or radio - Method of sending messages without the help of wires.
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Most Important Synonyms for Competitive Exams // Sainik School Entrance // RIMC // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam
Accelerate (तेज करना)- intensify, redouble, step up, stimulate, energize.
All (सब)- aggregate, total, whole, gross, sum
Accuse (दोषारोपण)- calumniate, Slander, malign, denigrate, blacken, varnish, sully
Apathetic (उदासीन)- unenthusiastic, unambitious, unstirred, unimpassioned, un- inspired, unmoved
Association (सम्बद्ध)– League, alliance, axis, federation
Abash (शर्मिन्दा)- embarrass, modest, timid, be ashamed
Abode (निवास)- dwelling, residence, home
Bate (घटाना)- diminish, decrease, lessen, deduct
Bedevil (भ्रमित करना)- confuse, confound, complicate, perplex, involve, entangle, embroil
Bizarre (विचित्र)- strange, curious, odd, queer, funny, peculiar, grotesque
Behaviour (आचरण)- demeanour, conduct, deportment
Beseech (विनती करना)- appeal, implore, crave, beg
Babble (प्रलाप)- nonsense, bombast, jargon
Bashful (संकोची)- reserve, shy, coy, demure
Booty (लूट)- spoil, plunder, prey
Circumstance (परिस्थित) - factor, situation, environment, condition
Compensatory (मुआवजा)- compensating, countervailing, balancing
Continuity (निरन्तरता)- cohesion, connectedness, tenaciousness
Constitute (गठन)- compose, form, make, construct, organise, build
Curial (न्यायिक)- judicatory, judicial, inquisitional.
Contend (संघर्ष)- combat, strive, struggle, fight, campaign, tussle, wrestle, grapple
Cajole (चापलूसी करना)- flatter, wheedle, inveigle
Cling (चिपकना)- stick, adhere, hug
Cheerless (हर्षहीन)- dejected, gloomy, mournful, sad
Degree (अनुपात)- proportion, ratio, scale
Disorder (असंगति)- incoordination, muddle, chaos, anarchy
Devil (शैतान)- fiend, imp, satan
Drunk (नशे में)- inebriated, intoxicated, flushed, elevated, exhilarated
Dislike (नापसन्द)- repugnance, detestation, loathing, abhorrence, disfavour, disaffection
Dangerous (खतरनाक)- dreadful, fearsome, awesome
Disfigure (कुरूप करना)- deform, cripple, maim, deface
Dandy (रंगीन मिजाज)- coxcomb, puppy, man about town
Deity (देवता)- omnipotence, providence, God
Devoid (रहित)- release, exempt from, immune from, empty
Ethnic (जातीय) - racial, tribal, phyletic, clannish
Extensive (व्यापक)- far-ranging, far-flying, far- reaching, far-stretching, vast
Ending (अन्त)- final, terminal, last, ultimate, extreme, polar, conclusive, crowning
Endorse (समर्थन)- legislate, pass, enact, ordain, enforce, agree
Erotic (कामुक)- aphrodisiac, erotogenic, amatory
Elegance (लालित्य)- cultivation, culture, aestheticism, grace
Elevation (ऊँचाई)- eminence, loftiness, sublimity, height, zenith, culmination
Effulgence (तेजस्विता)- arrogance, haughtiness, shamelessness
Fragmentary (खण्डित)- broken, crumbly, in bits, in pieces
First (प्रथम)- initial, maiden, starting, natal, original
Flatterer (चापलूस)- sycophant, parasite, sponger, jackal, hanger-on
Fervent (उत्कट)- fervid, passionate, intense, earnest, impassioned
Friction (घर्षण) - interference, interruption, interception, intervention, interposition
Fructify (फलित करना)- generate, impregnate, multiply
Feeble (क्षीण)- frail, languid, faint, weak
Fraud (कपट)- imposture, deception, duplicity
Group (समूह)- constellation, galaxy, cluster, bevy, flock, team, flight, school, unit
Gluttony (लोलुपता)- greediness, rapacity, insatiability, voracity, gulosity
Given (दिया हुआ)- bestowed, gifted, gratuitous, gratis
Gesticulate(इशारा करना) - wink, nod, beck, nudge, gesture
Generous (उदार)- liberal, bountiful, magnanimous
Hymn (स्तोत्र)- song, religious lyric, psalm, anthem, paean
Hypocritical (पाखण्डी)- traitorous, treasonous, disloyal
Humbled (दीन)- faded, withered, tarnished, discredited
Hindrance (रुकावट)- impediment, obstruction, restriction, hampering, barrier
Hoodwink (आंख में धूल झोंकना)- mystify, puzzle, deceive, lead astray
Henpecked (स्त्रैण) - enslaved, under one's thumb, tied to one's apron string
Harass (सताना)- trouble, afflict, inflict
Inaptitude (अयोग्यता)- unfitness, incapacity, incompetence
Intact (अक्षुण्ण)- untouched, unaffected, unbroken, unimpaired, unabridged, uncensored
Indict (अभियोग)- impeach, arraign, complain, charge, convict
Inimical (शत्रुतापूर्ण)- unfriendly, loveless, unsympathetic, disenchanted
Join (जुड़ना)- conjoin, yoke, hyphenate, bracket, assemble, unite
Justice (न्याय)- impartiality, equity, fairness, right, integrity, justness
Keen (कुशाग्र) - sharp, acute, penetrating, eager
Knowledge(विद्या) - scholarship, erudition, learning, attainments, education, acquirements
Large (बड़ा)- substantial, considerable, sizeable, bulky, massy, massive
Lax (ढीला)- loose, slack, decentralized, disorganized
Middle class(मध्यम वर्ग) - bourgeois, black-coat worker, white-collar worker
Modesty(नम्रता) - lowliness, unpretentiousness, meekness, resignation, self- depreciation, self-effacement, humble.
Native (मूल निवासी)- indigenous, original, inbred, real, primitive, intrinsic
Necessary (आवश्यक)- needful, indispensable, expedient, requisite, essential, unavoidable, inevitable
Nervous (घबराया हुआ)- timorous, shaky, timid, hesitant
Overstep (अतिक्रमण) - exceed, pass, surpass, overtrump, outshine, eclipse, overshadow
Occultist (गुह्यवादी)- mystic, transcendentalist, esoteric, theosophist, spiritualist, alchemist
Ornamental (सजावटी)- decorative, fancy, glamorous, picturesque, quaint
Obstruct (बाधा)- shield, hinder, armour, fortify
Opponent (विरोधी)- opposer, adversary, antagonist
Precursor (पूर्ववर्ती)- predecessor, ancestor, forbear
Pietistic (आन्दोलन सम्बन्धी) - fervent, seraphic, inspired, austere
Promote(पदोन्नति) - honour, bemedal, elevate, ennoble
Prodigal (उड़ाऊ)- spender, waster, spendthrift, squanderer
Quake (काँपना)- shake, tremble, quiver, shiver, shudder, stutter
Relation (सम्बन्ध)- reference, respect, regard, rapport
Remainder (शेष)- residue, residuals, result, left over
Repentant (अचानक)- contrite, remorseful, regretful, apologetic, sorry
Relinquish (त्यागना)- retire, waive, disclaim, surrender, forego
Repulsive (घृणित)- ugly, repelling, odious, revolting, offensive, loathsome
Rumour (अफवाह)- hearsay, scandal
Superiority (श्रेष्ठता)- sublimity, transcendence, loftiness
Survivor (उत्तरजीवी)- finisher, inheritor, heir, successor
Sequent (अनुक्रम)- following, succeeding, incoming ensuing, next
Sorcery (टोना-टोटका)- witchery, spellbinding, magic, wizardry
Selfish (स्वार्थी)- ego-centric, egoistic, self-absorbed, narcissistic
Stimulate (उत्तेजित करना)- provoke, urge, instigate, incite
Suppress (दबाना)- check, impede, restrain, bridle
Turmoil (उथल-पुथल) - turbulence, tumult, frenzy, storm, upheavel, convulsion
Trustworthy (भरोसेमन्द)- sterling, reliable, dependable, trusty, faithful, loyal
Tasteful (सुस्वादु)- gracious, dignified, choice, exquisite
Tyrant (अत्याचारी)- oppressor, bully, despot, persecutor, autocrat
Tremble (काँपना)- shiver, quake, quiver, shudder, vibrate, oscillate
Tough (कठोर)- tenacious, strong, firm, stiff, fibrous, leathery, rigid, durable, rough
Unborn (अजन्मा)- uncreated, unmade, unconceived, undiscovered, uninvented, unimagined
Unravel (सुलझाना)- untangle, comb out, unweave, uncoil, untwist, untwine
Unbeaten (अपराजित) - unsubdued, unvanquished, unbeatable, invincible, undefeated
Unfair (अनुचित)- unjust, wrongful, dishonest, partial, dishonourable
Use (उपयोग)- exercise, employ, utilise, practise, Occupy
Vice (अवगुण)- fault, demerit, infirmity, frailty, foible
Violent (हिंसक) - excessive, atrocious, brutal, fierce, savage
Variegated (रंग-बिरंगा)- inlaid, enamelled, embroidered, trimmed
Veracity (सत्यता)- reality, honesty, truthfulness, frankness
Vivid (विशद)- clear, apparent, bright
Vibrate (कम्पन)- quiver, oscillate, swing, sway, shiver, shake
Vacant (खाली)- empty, unoccupied, void, unfulfilled, exhausted
Whole (सम्पूर्ण)- total, universal, holistic, integral
Wicked (दुष्ट)- bad, unvirtuous, immoral
Wonderful (अद्भुत)- wondrous, marvellous, miraculous, phenomenal, stupendous
Wealth (धन)- riches, abundance, fortune, plenty
Yield (उपज)- forego, surrender, concede, abandon, waive
Zero (शून्य)- nought, nil, nothing, cipher
Friday, October 27, 2023
Most Important Synonyms for Competitive Exams // Sainik School Entrance // RIMC // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam
Most Important Synonyms for Competitive Exams // Sainik School Entrance // RIMC // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam
Adaptation (अनुकूलन) - conformation, harmonization, synchronization, matching.
Adjust (समायोजित करना) - fit, suit, adapt, accommodate, conform, synchronize, attune
Add (जोड़) - sum, total, add up.
Accumulation(संचय) - agglomeration, conglomeration, aggregation, concentration
Abnormal (असामान्य) - unnatural, freakish, eccentric, anomalous
Authoritarian (अधिनायकवादी) - masterful, domineering, lordly, bossy, autocratic, dictatorial
Abandon (परित्याग)- desertion, defection, secession, withdrawal
Abhor (घृणित) - loathe, abominate, detest, hate
Adieu (अलविदा) - farewell, good-bye, valediction
Bond (बन्ध)- chain, tie, band, yoke, nexus, link, liaison
Bewitch (वशीकरण करना) - charm, enchant, fascinate
Barbaric (बर्बर)- wild, savage, brutish, uncivilized, uncultured, primitive
Breeze (हवा)- zephyr, gale, wind
Beauty (सौन्दर्य)- elegance, grace, charm, attractiveness
Bandit (डाकू) - robber, plagiarist
Bemoan (विलाप) - lament, mourn, grieve, weep over.
Burnished (जला हुआ)- polished, sleek, glossy
Copy (प्रतिलिपि) - reproduction, replica, facsimile, tracing, transcription, impression
Connect (संलग्न)- attach, annex, tag, clip, contact
Comprehensive (विस्तृत) - omnibus, encyclopedic, all embracing, full-length
Complex (जटिल)- intricate, involved, complicated, mazy, winding
Caress(दुलार) - love, fondle, dandle, pat, kiss, hug
Co-operation (सहयोग) - reciprocity, sympathy, coexistence, league, amity, compatibility
Celibacy (ब्रह्मचर्य) - bachelorhood, chastity.
Calamity (विपत्ति)- disaster, affliction, distress
Competent (सक्षम)- capable, learned, efficient, clever
Disjoin (तोड़ना)- disunite, dissociate, divorce, part, sever, disconnect, unplug
Discontinue (बन्द करना)- interrupt, intervene, interpose, interject, punctuate
Divine (दिव्य)- holy, sanctified, sacred, celestial, sublime, numinous, superhuman
Disinterested (वैराग्य)- dispassionate, impersonal, uninvolved, detached, impartial, indifferent
Degrading (नीचा दिखाना)- lowering, demeaning, ignominious, derogatory
Defiant (उद्दण्ड)- proud, provocative, bellicose, militant, disobedient
Damn (धिक्कार है)- curse, swear, scold, denounce
Deceit (छल)- fraud, bluff, guile, knavery
Demise (निधन)- death, decease, eternal rest, expiry
Existence (अस्तित्व)- life, being, absoluteness
Equilibrium (सन्तुलन)- equipoise, balance, steadiness, poise
Enormous (विशाल)- immense, vast, colossal, monumental
Ecclesiastical (उपशास्त्रीय)- ecclesiastic, churchly, theocratic, heavenly
Enrage (क्रोध)- upset, discompose, ruffle, irritate, annoy, vex, anger
Excellent (उत्कृष्ट)- over-whelming, awe some, awe- inspiring, breath-taking
Earnest (बयाना)- serious, solemn, impressive
Eccentricity (विलक्षणता)- informality, anomaly, peculiarity, but exception
Extempore (तुरन्त)- at once, on the spur of the moment
Foreigner (विदेशी)- alien, stranger, outlandish, expatriate
Forgiving (क्षमा करने योग्य)- placable, condoning, unresentful, forbearing.
Feelingly (महसूस करते हुए) - unctuously, earnestly, devoutly, sincerely
Fatigue (थकान)- overtax, extort, suck, squeeze, grind, tiredness, exhaust
Frigid (सर्द)- cold, chilly, biting, nipping, shivering
Fame (प्रसिद्धि)- reputation, glory, renown
Fickle (चंचल)- changeable, wavering, irresolute, unsteady, amenable
Greatness (महानता)- largeness, bigness, vastness, gigantism, enormousness
Generalise (सामान्यीकरण)- broaden, widen, universalise
Grave (गम्भीर)- serious, sober, solemn, sedate, staid, demure, stern
Gab (गपशप)- jabber, chatter, prattle, twaddle
Greed (लोभ)- avidity, covetousness, rapacity
Gratitude (कृतज्ञता)- thankfulness, gratefulness, indebtedness
Heathen (अनैतिकवादी)- amoralist, materialist, worldling, rude, barbarous
Hard (कठोर)- harsh, rigorous, intolerant, severe, cruel, difficult
Hire (किराया)- rent, farm, lease, charter
Hallucination (मतिभ्रम)- delusion, illusion, self-deceit, dream
Handsome (सुन्दर)- beautiful, graceful, elegant, exquisite
Heap (ढेर)- pile, gather, collect, board, store
Imitate (नकल करना)- ape, parrot, flatter, echo, mirror, reflect
Inferior (अवर)- subordinate, assistant, subsidiary, junior, lower, secondary, auxiliary
Illegal (अवैध) - illegitimate, illicit, contraband, impermissible
Insolence (बदतमीजी) - hubris, arrogance, naughtiness, loftiness.
Intolerable (असहनीय)- insufferable, impossible, unendurable, unbearable, extreme
Jolly (प्रसन्न)- merry, jubilant, lively, festive, gay, jovial, mirthful, hilarious, joyous
Kinship (रिश्तेदारी)- relationship, alliance, ties of blood
Kill (हत्या)- murder, assassinate, destroy, slay, massacre, butcher, slaughter
Lifelike (सजीव)- realistic, photographic, exact, verisimilitude, natural
Lenient (उदार)- gentle, tender, squeamish, placable, unhardened, tolerant, mild
Mismatch (बेमेल)- mismate, misadapt, misfit, miscast
Mixture (मिश्रण)- mingling, blending, harmonization, interpolation
Miscarry (गर्भपात)- abort, misfire, fizzle out, crash
Natural (प्राकृतिक)- normal, usual, consistent, regular, inevitable
Neighbouring (पड़ोसी)- adjacent, near to, contiguous, bordering, close to, proximate
Noble (कुलीन)- stately, dignified, magnanimous, elevated, exalted, lordly
Orderless (अव्यवस्थित)- disordered, disorganized, jumbled, in disarray
Offender (अपराधी)- villain, scoundrel, crook, imposter
Oppress (दमन करना)- tyrannize, overawe, intimidate, terrorize
Opposition (विपक्ष)- disharmony, dissonance, jar, recrimination, bickering, friction, hostility
Plentitude (प्रचुरता)- fullness, maximum, saturation, abundance
Profane (अपवित्र)- unholy, unsanctified, sacrilegious, God-forsaken, infidel, pagan, gentile
Plebian (सामान्य)- common, simple, untitled, ignoble
Patience (धैर्य)- forbearance, endurance, tolerance, sufferance
Quantify (मात्रा निर्धारित करना)- allot, rate, ration
Queer (विचित्र)- eccentric, abnormal, strange, whimsical, wayward, odd, quaint, peculiar
Referral (सन्दर्भ)- allusion, mention, citation, quotation
Ritualistic (अनुष्ठानिक) - ceremonious, formalistic, Sabbatarian, liturgical
Ridiculous (हास्यास्पद)- sardonic, derisive, sarcastic, ironical, quizzical
Retaliatory (प्रतिकारात्मक) - retaliative, revengeful, retributive
Renounce (त्यागना)- abandon, discard, leave, abdicate
Similarity (समानता)- resemblance, likeness, similitude, semblance
Shortening (छोटा करना)- severance, detraction, amputation, excision, curtailing
Scission (विखण्डन)- section, cleavage, division, dichotomy
Sort (क्रम)- order, type, variety, kind
Sensual (कामुक)- earthly, gross, unspiritual
Secluded (एकांत)- private, sequestered, retired, hidden, buried
Spontaneous (सहज)- instinctive, unrestricted, natural, unchecked
Temperament (स्वभाव)- temper, humour, disposition, mood, spirit
Terminate (समाप्त करना)- conclude, close, determinate, decide, settle, finish, consummate
Thankless (कृतघ्न)- rewardless, untipped, bootless, unacknowledged
Tragedy (त्रासदी)- calamity, disaster, catastrophe, affliction
True (सत्य)- exact, accurate, faithful, authentic, veracious
Travel (यात्रा)- journey, voyage, tour, roam, wander, ramble
Theory (सिद्धान्त) - doctrine, hypothesis, supposition, belief, speculation, presumption, postulate, assumption
Unimitated (अद्वितीय)- inimitable, transcendent, unique, unplagiarized
Unfortunate (बदकिस्मत) - ill-fated, unlucky, ill-starred, star-crossed, unblest, luckless, doomed
Understand (समझना)- perceive, apprehend, grasp, discern, realise
Urge (आग्रह)- spur, incite, prompt, impel, goad, stimulate, drive, force
Unconcerned (बेपरवाह) - apathetic, indifferent, cool, disinterested
Virtuous (सदाचारी)- law-abiding, honest, scrupulous, principled, soul-searching. incorruptible, stainless
Vain (व्यर्थ)- shameless, unblushing, unabashed, brazen, conceited
Vindicator (प्रतिशोधक)- patron, paladin, loyalist, guard, sentinel, escort
Vulgar (अश्लील)- indecent, unrefined
Volunteer (स्वयंसेवक)- proffer, tender, propose, offer, undertake, tend
Value (मूल्य)- appreciate, prize, esteem, treasure
Weighty (भारी)- ample, voluminous, capacious
Worship (पूजा)- honour, revere, venerate, adore
Wooing (लुभाना)- courting, spooning, flirting
Warlike (युद्धप्रिय)- militaristic, bellicose, aggressive, combative, unpacific, chaotic
Warmth (गर्मजोशी)- fervour, ardour, affection
Zenith (शिखर)- summit, acme, pinnacle, culmination, height, top, apex, climax
Monday, October 23, 2023
100 Examples of Proper use of Prepositions // Prepositions for Competitive Exam // Sainik School Entrance Exam // JNV Entrance // KV Entrance // RIMC Entrance
100 Examples of Proper use of Prepositions // Prepositions for Competitive Exam // Sainik School Entrance Exam // JNV Entrance // KV Entrance // RIMC Entrance
2. Snow dissolves into water.
3. My friend insisted on my staying with her.
4. Don't waste your time with juggling words.
5. Don't let him hinder you from writing letter.
6. What is $ 1 equivalent to Indian currency.
7. While I stared at him, he was staring into the mirror.
8. An editor is a stickler for accuracy.
9. You will share in the prize money with me.
10. Regular exercise is conducive to health.
11. I am tired from walking.
12. I am tired of leading such an idle life.
13. He is at his study table.
14. We should never laugh at the poor.
15. You must get rid of unnecessary things.
16. He was destined to the bar.
17. He delights in teasing me.
18. I was delighted at your success.
19. Artists like Kalidas belong to all ages and all countries.
20. We should not jeer at a defeated enemy.
21. Our clothes were soaked with water.
22. After marrying the rich heir, she began to live in comfort.
23. All the players partook of dinner after the match.
24. He was offered a salary commensurate with the work.
25. The poet compared the world to a stage.
26. The Rajputs always fought to the last man.
27. We should stick to our words, otherwise people will mock at us.
28. His services have been dispensed with.
29. Mala tied the cow with a rope to a tree.
30. Do you know how to look for a word in the dictionary?
31. Why do you boast of your wealth?
32. I told him at his face that he was a liar.
33. Please pay your bill. (No preposition required)
34. Beware of back-biters.
35. The principal will preside over the function.
36. You gained an advantage over me.
37. The store house was infested with rats.
38. He invited me to tea.
39. In the dark, he knocked against the wall.
40. He is not familiar with this locality.
41. His face is not familiar to anyone.
42. She takes pride in her beauty.
43. No one has yet discovered a cure for the common cold.
44. My brother went from abroad last year.
45. Many people have died of malaria.
46. He ordered for the dinner when we had finished our work.
47. That young man is very keen on cycling.
48. I am delighted at his unexpected arrival.
49. I am fed up with staying at this place.
50. He kept telling me to give up smoking.
51. It was because of you that he was able to see his plans through.
52. He shook me by the hand and helped me on with my coat.
53. He is terribly absorbed in his work on bacteria.
54. He will accept no compromise with the enemy on any terms.
55. He is a brute form of man for all that you may say in his praise.
56. They qualified themselves for the post.
57. I shall stand beside you through thick and thin.
58. The house consists of five rooms, all of them leading towards the hall.
59. The boy is apprenticed to Mr.Smith, a carpenter by trade.
60. I refuse to be classed with the man in the street.
61. Entry to this auditorium is by ticket.
62. Mohan never agrees with me in anything.
63. These trousers will last for the donkey's year without wearing out.
64. I sent two hundred rupees to my younger brother by money order.
65. With all your patent medicines you haven't cured me of this cold.
66. This almirah is made of iron but burfi is made from khoya.
67. None but the brave deserve the fair.
68. The transistor fell off the shelf.
69. He placed the thing behind the curtain.
70. You are advised to write with pencil.
71. Virtue always triumphs over evil.
72. Hypocrisy is a cloak for mischief.
73. With this percentage of marks, you are not eligible for admission.
74. It is good to be temperate of one's habits.
75. He imputed bad motives to me.
76. Bacon was endowed with rare talents.
77. Never do anything that is not compatible with public safety.
78. I instilled my ideas into his mind.
79. It is natural of man to make mistakes.
80. His speech is wanting in commonsense.
81. He is an aspirant for an honour from the President.
82. You are not amenable to reason.
83. He craved for my forgiveness.
84. I could infer from his talk that he wanted to say something against his father.
85. The plot against the king was foiled by his loyal soldiers.
86. It seldom pays to rebel against the authorities.
87. I urged on my sons the importance of hard work.
88. He was advised by his father to withdraw from the contest.
89. It occurred to me that I had already paid the tax.
90. His crime preyed upon his mind.
91. I deal with the merchant who deals in books.
92. A spendthrift is devoid of foresight and often runs into debt.
93. If you spend beyond your means, you will run into debt.
94. Please have a talk with your father about my work.
95. His comments were almost irrelevant to the topic of the evening.
96. The boy resembles ___ his father. (No preposition needed)
97. I am grateful to my grandfather for teaching me Mathematics.
98. The poor beggar was blind of one eye.
99. The cat is hiding from us below the table.
100. The money must be dealt out fairly and justly.