Most Important Synonyms for Competitive Exams // Sainik School Entrance // RIMC // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam
Apt (उपयुक्त)- applicable , germane, appropriate, pertinent
Accelerate (तेज करना)- intensify, redouble, step up, stimulate, energize.
All (सब)- aggregate, total, whole, gross, sum
Accuse (दोषारोपण)- calumniate, Slander, malign, denigrate, blacken, varnish, sully
Apathetic (उदासीन)- unenthusiastic, unambitious, unstirred, unimpassioned, un- inspired, unmoved
Association (सम्बद्ध)– League, alliance, axis, federation
Abash (शर्मिन्दा)- embarrass, modest, timid, be ashamed
Abode (निवास)- dwelling, residence, home
Bate (घटाना)- diminish, decrease, lessen, deduct
Bedevil (भ्रमित करना)- confuse, confound, complicate, perplex, involve, entangle, embroil
Bizarre (विचित्र)- strange, curious, odd, queer, funny, peculiar, grotesque
Behaviour (आचरण)- demeanour, conduct, deportment
Beseech (विनती करना)- appeal, implore, crave, beg
Babble (प्रलाप)- nonsense, bombast, jargon
Bashful (संकोची)- reserve, shy, coy, demure
Booty (लूट)- spoil, plunder, prey
Circumstance (परिस्थित) - factor, situation, environment, condition
Compensatory (मुआवजा)- compensating, countervailing, balancing
Continuity (निरन्तरता)- cohesion, connectedness, tenaciousness
Constitute (गठन)- compose, form, make, construct, organise, build
Curial (न्यायिक)- judicatory, judicial, inquisitional.
Contend (संघर्ष)- combat, strive, struggle, fight, campaign, tussle, wrestle, grapple
Cajole (चापलूसी करना)- flatter, wheedle, inveigle
Cling (चिपकना)- stick, adhere, hug
Cheerless (हर्षहीन)- dejected, gloomy, mournful, sad
Degree (अनुपात)- proportion, ratio, scale
Disorder (असंगति)- incoordination, muddle, chaos, anarchy
Devil (शैतान)- fiend, imp, satan
Drunk (नशे में)- inebriated, intoxicated, flushed, elevated, exhilarated
Dislike (नापसन्द)- repugnance, detestation, loathing, abhorrence, disfavour, disaffection
Dangerous (खतरनाक)- dreadful, fearsome, awesome
Disfigure (कुरूप करना)- deform, cripple, maim, deface
Dandy (रंगीन मिजाज)- coxcomb, puppy, man about town
Deity (देवता)- omnipotence, providence, God
Devoid (रहित)- release, exempt from, immune from, empty
Ethnic (जातीय) - racial, tribal, phyletic, clannish
Extensive (व्यापक)- far-ranging, far-flying, far- reaching, far-stretching, vast
Ending (अन्त)- final, terminal, last, ultimate, extreme, polar, conclusive, crowning
Endorse (समर्थन)- legislate, pass, enact, ordain, enforce, agree
Erotic (कामुक)- aphrodisiac, erotogenic, amatory
Elegance (लालित्य)- cultivation, culture, aestheticism, grace
Elevation (ऊँचाई)- eminence, loftiness, sublimity, height, zenith, culmination
Effulgence (तेजस्विता)- arrogance, haughtiness, shamelessness
Fragmentary (खण्डित)- broken, crumbly, in bits, in pieces
First (प्रथम)- initial, maiden, starting, natal, original
Flatterer (चापलूस)- sycophant, parasite, sponger, jackal, hanger-on
Fervent (उत्कट)- fervid, passionate, intense, earnest, impassioned
Friction (घर्षण) - interference, interruption, interception, intervention, interposition
Fructify (फलित करना)- generate, impregnate, multiply
Feeble (क्षीण)- frail, languid, faint, weak
Fraud (कपट)- imposture, deception, duplicity
Group (समूह)- constellation, galaxy, cluster, bevy, flock, team, flight, school, unit
Gluttony (लोलुपता)- greediness, rapacity, insatiability, voracity, gulosity
Given (दिया हुआ)- bestowed, gifted, gratuitous, gratis
Gesticulate(इशारा करना) - wink, nod, beck, nudge, gesture
Generous (उदार)- liberal, bountiful, magnanimous
Hymn (स्तोत्र)- song, religious lyric, psalm, anthem, paean
Hypocritical (पाखण्डी)- traitorous, treasonous, disloyal
Humbled (दीन)- faded, withered, tarnished, discredited
Hindrance (रुकावट)- impediment, obstruction, restriction, hampering, barrier
Hoodwink (आंख में धूल झोंकना)- mystify, puzzle, deceive, lead astray
Henpecked (स्त्रैण) - enslaved, under one's thumb, tied to one's apron string
Harass (सताना)- trouble, afflict, inflict
Inaptitude (अयोग्यता)- unfitness, incapacity, incompetence
Intact (अक्षुण्ण)- untouched, unaffected, unbroken, unimpaired, unabridged, uncensored
Indict (अभियोग)- impeach, arraign, complain, charge, convict
Inimical (शत्रुतापूर्ण)- unfriendly, loveless, unsympathetic, disenchanted
Join (जुड़ना)- conjoin, yoke, hyphenate, bracket, assemble, unite
Justice (न्याय)- impartiality, equity, fairness, right, integrity, justness
Keen (कुशाग्र) - sharp, acute, penetrating, eager
Knowledge(विद्या) - scholarship, erudition, learning, attainments, education, acquirements
Large (बड़ा)- substantial, considerable, sizeable, bulky, massy, massive
Lax (ढीला)- loose, slack, decentralized, disorganized
Middle class(मध्यम वर्ग) - bourgeois, black-coat worker, white-collar worker
Modesty(नम्रता) - lowliness, unpretentiousness, meekness, resignation, self- depreciation, self-effacement, humble.
Native (मूल निवासी)- indigenous, original, inbred, real, primitive, intrinsic
Necessary (आवश्यक)- needful, indispensable, expedient, requisite, essential, unavoidable, inevitable
Nervous (घबराया हुआ)- timorous, shaky, timid, hesitant
Overstep (अतिक्रमण) - exceed, pass, surpass, overtrump, outshine, eclipse, overshadow
Occultist (गुह्यवादी)- mystic, transcendentalist, esoteric, theosophist, spiritualist, alchemist
Ornamental (सजावटी)- decorative, fancy, glamorous, picturesque, quaint
Obstruct (बाधा)- shield, hinder, armour, fortify
Opponent (विरोधी)- opposer, adversary, antagonist
Precursor (पूर्ववर्ती)- predecessor, ancestor, forbear
Pietistic (आन्दोलन सम्बन्धी) - fervent, seraphic, inspired, austere
Promote(पदोन्नति) - honour, bemedal, elevate, ennoble
Prodigal (उड़ाऊ)- spender, waster, spendthrift, squanderer
Quake (काँपना)- shake, tremble, quiver, shiver, shudder, stutter
Relation (सम्बन्ध)- reference, respect, regard, rapport
Remainder (शेष)- residue, residuals, result, left over
Repentant (अचानक)- contrite, remorseful, regretful, apologetic, sorry
Relinquish (त्यागना)- retire, waive, disclaim, surrender, forego
Repulsive (घृणित)- ugly, repelling, odious, revolting, offensive, loathsome
Rumour (अफवाह)- hearsay, scandal
Superiority (श्रेष्ठता)- sublimity, transcendence, loftiness
Survivor (उत्तरजीवी)- finisher, inheritor, heir, successor
Sequent (अनुक्रम)- following, succeeding, incoming ensuing, next
Sorcery (टोना-टोटका)- witchery, spellbinding, magic, wizardry
Selfish (स्वार्थी)- ego-centric, egoistic, self-absorbed, narcissistic
Stimulate (उत्तेजित करना)- provoke, urge, instigate, incite
Suppress (दबाना)- check, impede, restrain, bridle
Turmoil (उथल-पुथल) - turbulence, tumult, frenzy, storm, upheavel, convulsion
Trustworthy (भरोसेमन्द)- sterling, reliable, dependable, trusty, faithful, loyal
Tasteful (सुस्वादु)- gracious, dignified, choice, exquisite
Tyrant (अत्याचारी)- oppressor, bully, despot, persecutor, autocrat
Tremble (काँपना)- shiver, quake, quiver, shudder, vibrate, oscillate
Tough (कठोर)- tenacious, strong, firm, stiff, fibrous, leathery, rigid, durable, rough
Unborn (अजन्मा)- uncreated, unmade, unconceived, undiscovered, uninvented, unimagined
Unravel (सुलझाना)- untangle, comb out, unweave, uncoil, untwist, untwine
Unbeaten (अपराजित) - unsubdued, unvanquished, unbeatable, invincible, undefeated
Unfair (अनुचित)- unjust, wrongful, dishonest, partial, dishonourable
Use (उपयोग)- exercise, employ, utilise, practise, Occupy
Vice (अवगुण)- fault, demerit, infirmity, frailty, foible
Violent (हिंसक) - excessive, atrocious, brutal, fierce, savage
Variegated (रंग-बिरंगा)- inlaid, enamelled, embroidered, trimmed
Veracity (सत्यता)- reality, honesty, truthfulness, frankness
Vivid (विशद)- clear, apparent, bright
Vibrate (कम्पन)- quiver, oscillate, swing, sway, shiver, shake
Vacant (खाली)- empty, unoccupied, void, unfulfilled, exhausted
Whole (सम्पूर्ण)- total, universal, holistic, integral
Wicked (दुष्ट)- bad, unvirtuous, immoral
Wonderful (अद्भुत)- wondrous, marvellous, miraculous, phenomenal, stupendous
Wealth (धन)- riches, abundance, fortune, plenty
Yield (उपज)- forego, surrender, concede, abandon, waive
Zero (शून्य)- nought, nil, nothing, cipher
Accelerate (तेज करना)- intensify, redouble, step up, stimulate, energize.
All (सब)- aggregate, total, whole, gross, sum
Accuse (दोषारोपण)- calumniate, Slander, malign, denigrate, blacken, varnish, sully
Apathetic (उदासीन)- unenthusiastic, unambitious, unstirred, unimpassioned, un- inspired, unmoved
Association (सम्बद्ध)– League, alliance, axis, federation
Abash (शर्मिन्दा)- embarrass, modest, timid, be ashamed
Abode (निवास)- dwelling, residence, home
Bate (घटाना)- diminish, decrease, lessen, deduct
Bedevil (भ्रमित करना)- confuse, confound, complicate, perplex, involve, entangle, embroil
Bizarre (विचित्र)- strange, curious, odd, queer, funny, peculiar, grotesque
Behaviour (आचरण)- demeanour, conduct, deportment
Beseech (विनती करना)- appeal, implore, crave, beg
Babble (प्रलाप)- nonsense, bombast, jargon
Bashful (संकोची)- reserve, shy, coy, demure
Booty (लूट)- spoil, plunder, prey
Circumstance (परिस्थित) - factor, situation, environment, condition
Compensatory (मुआवजा)- compensating, countervailing, balancing
Continuity (निरन्तरता)- cohesion, connectedness, tenaciousness
Constitute (गठन)- compose, form, make, construct, organise, build
Curial (न्यायिक)- judicatory, judicial, inquisitional.
Contend (संघर्ष)- combat, strive, struggle, fight, campaign, tussle, wrestle, grapple
Cajole (चापलूसी करना)- flatter, wheedle, inveigle
Cling (चिपकना)- stick, adhere, hug
Cheerless (हर्षहीन)- dejected, gloomy, mournful, sad
Degree (अनुपात)- proportion, ratio, scale
Disorder (असंगति)- incoordination, muddle, chaos, anarchy
Devil (शैतान)- fiend, imp, satan
Drunk (नशे में)- inebriated, intoxicated, flushed, elevated, exhilarated
Dislike (नापसन्द)- repugnance, detestation, loathing, abhorrence, disfavour, disaffection
Dangerous (खतरनाक)- dreadful, fearsome, awesome
Disfigure (कुरूप करना)- deform, cripple, maim, deface
Dandy (रंगीन मिजाज)- coxcomb, puppy, man about town
Deity (देवता)- omnipotence, providence, God
Devoid (रहित)- release, exempt from, immune from, empty
Ethnic (जातीय) - racial, tribal, phyletic, clannish
Extensive (व्यापक)- far-ranging, far-flying, far- reaching, far-stretching, vast
Ending (अन्त)- final, terminal, last, ultimate, extreme, polar, conclusive, crowning
Endorse (समर्थन)- legislate, pass, enact, ordain, enforce, agree
Erotic (कामुक)- aphrodisiac, erotogenic, amatory
Elegance (लालित्य)- cultivation, culture, aestheticism, grace
Elevation (ऊँचाई)- eminence, loftiness, sublimity, height, zenith, culmination
Effulgence (तेजस्विता)- arrogance, haughtiness, shamelessness
Fragmentary (खण्डित)- broken, crumbly, in bits, in pieces
First (प्रथम)- initial, maiden, starting, natal, original
Flatterer (चापलूस)- sycophant, parasite, sponger, jackal, hanger-on
Fervent (उत्कट)- fervid, passionate, intense, earnest, impassioned
Friction (घर्षण) - interference, interruption, interception, intervention, interposition
Fructify (फलित करना)- generate, impregnate, multiply
Feeble (क्षीण)- frail, languid, faint, weak
Fraud (कपट)- imposture, deception, duplicity
Group (समूह)- constellation, galaxy, cluster, bevy, flock, team, flight, school, unit
Gluttony (लोलुपता)- greediness, rapacity, insatiability, voracity, gulosity
Given (दिया हुआ)- bestowed, gifted, gratuitous, gratis
Gesticulate(इशारा करना) - wink, nod, beck, nudge, gesture
Generous (उदार)- liberal, bountiful, magnanimous
Hymn (स्तोत्र)- song, religious lyric, psalm, anthem, paean
Hypocritical (पाखण्डी)- traitorous, treasonous, disloyal
Humbled (दीन)- faded, withered, tarnished, discredited
Hindrance (रुकावट)- impediment, obstruction, restriction, hampering, barrier
Hoodwink (आंख में धूल झोंकना)- mystify, puzzle, deceive, lead astray
Henpecked (स्त्रैण) - enslaved, under one's thumb, tied to one's apron string
Harass (सताना)- trouble, afflict, inflict
Inaptitude (अयोग्यता)- unfitness, incapacity, incompetence
Intact (अक्षुण्ण)- untouched, unaffected, unbroken, unimpaired, unabridged, uncensored
Indict (अभियोग)- impeach, arraign, complain, charge, convict
Inimical (शत्रुतापूर्ण)- unfriendly, loveless, unsympathetic, disenchanted
Join (जुड़ना)- conjoin, yoke, hyphenate, bracket, assemble, unite
Justice (न्याय)- impartiality, equity, fairness, right, integrity, justness
Keen (कुशाग्र) - sharp, acute, penetrating, eager
Knowledge(विद्या) - scholarship, erudition, learning, attainments, education, acquirements
Large (बड़ा)- substantial, considerable, sizeable, bulky, massy, massive
Lax (ढीला)- loose, slack, decentralized, disorganized
Middle class(मध्यम वर्ग) - bourgeois, black-coat worker, white-collar worker
Modesty(नम्रता) - lowliness, unpretentiousness, meekness, resignation, self- depreciation, self-effacement, humble.
Native (मूल निवासी)- indigenous, original, inbred, real, primitive, intrinsic
Necessary (आवश्यक)- needful, indispensable, expedient, requisite, essential, unavoidable, inevitable
Nervous (घबराया हुआ)- timorous, shaky, timid, hesitant
Overstep (अतिक्रमण) - exceed, pass, surpass, overtrump, outshine, eclipse, overshadow
Occultist (गुह्यवादी)- mystic, transcendentalist, esoteric, theosophist, spiritualist, alchemist
Ornamental (सजावटी)- decorative, fancy, glamorous, picturesque, quaint
Obstruct (बाधा)- shield, hinder, armour, fortify
Opponent (विरोधी)- opposer, adversary, antagonist
Precursor (पूर्ववर्ती)- predecessor, ancestor, forbear
Pietistic (आन्दोलन सम्बन्धी) - fervent, seraphic, inspired, austere
Promote(पदोन्नति) - honour, bemedal, elevate, ennoble
Prodigal (उड़ाऊ)- spender, waster, spendthrift, squanderer
Quake (काँपना)- shake, tremble, quiver, shiver, shudder, stutter
Relation (सम्बन्ध)- reference, respect, regard, rapport
Remainder (शेष)- residue, residuals, result, left over
Repentant (अचानक)- contrite, remorseful, regretful, apologetic, sorry
Relinquish (त्यागना)- retire, waive, disclaim, surrender, forego
Repulsive (घृणित)- ugly, repelling, odious, revolting, offensive, loathsome
Rumour (अफवाह)- hearsay, scandal
Superiority (श्रेष्ठता)- sublimity, transcendence, loftiness
Survivor (उत्तरजीवी)- finisher, inheritor, heir, successor
Sequent (अनुक्रम)- following, succeeding, incoming ensuing, next
Sorcery (टोना-टोटका)- witchery, spellbinding, magic, wizardry
Selfish (स्वार्थी)- ego-centric, egoistic, self-absorbed, narcissistic
Stimulate (उत्तेजित करना)- provoke, urge, instigate, incite
Suppress (दबाना)- check, impede, restrain, bridle
Turmoil (उथल-पुथल) - turbulence, tumult, frenzy, storm, upheavel, convulsion
Trustworthy (भरोसेमन्द)- sterling, reliable, dependable, trusty, faithful, loyal
Tasteful (सुस्वादु)- gracious, dignified, choice, exquisite
Tyrant (अत्याचारी)- oppressor, bully, despot, persecutor, autocrat
Tremble (काँपना)- shiver, quake, quiver, shudder, vibrate, oscillate
Tough (कठोर)- tenacious, strong, firm, stiff, fibrous, leathery, rigid, durable, rough
Unborn (अजन्मा)- uncreated, unmade, unconceived, undiscovered, uninvented, unimagined
Unravel (सुलझाना)- untangle, comb out, unweave, uncoil, untwist, untwine
Unbeaten (अपराजित) - unsubdued, unvanquished, unbeatable, invincible, undefeated
Unfair (अनुचित)- unjust, wrongful, dishonest, partial, dishonourable
Use (उपयोग)- exercise, employ, utilise, practise, Occupy
Vice (अवगुण)- fault, demerit, infirmity, frailty, foible
Violent (हिंसक) - excessive, atrocious, brutal, fierce, savage
Variegated (रंग-बिरंगा)- inlaid, enamelled, embroidered, trimmed
Veracity (सत्यता)- reality, honesty, truthfulness, frankness
Vivid (विशद)- clear, apparent, bright
Vibrate (कम्पन)- quiver, oscillate, swing, sway, shiver, shake
Vacant (खाली)- empty, unoccupied, void, unfulfilled, exhausted
Whole (सम्पूर्ण)- total, universal, holistic, integral
Wicked (दुष्ट)- bad, unvirtuous, immoral
Wonderful (अद्भुत)- wondrous, marvellous, miraculous, phenomenal, stupendous
Wealth (धन)- riches, abundance, fortune, plenty
Yield (उपज)- forego, surrender, concede, abandon, waive
Zero (शून्य)- nought, nil, nothing, cipher
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