Sunday, October 29, 2023

Top 100 One Word Substitutions for Competitive Exam // Sainik School Entrance Exam AISSEE// RIMC // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam

Top 100 One Word Substitutions for Competitive Exam // Sainik School Entrance Exam AISSEE// RIMC // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam

Amateur (शौकिया)- One who plays a game for pleasure and not professionally.
Amnesty (राज-क्षमा)- A general pardon of political offenders. 
Anniversary (सालगिरह)- The yearly return of a date.
Antidote (विषहर औषध)- A medicine to counteract the effect of poison.
Armistice (युद्धविराम) - The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed.
Audience(श्रोता) - An assembly of listeners.
Autocracy(निरंकुशता) - An absolute government.
Bureaucracy (नौकरशाही) - Government by officials.
Cemetery(कब्रिस्तान) - A place for burial of dead bodies.
Congregation(मण्डली) - An assembly of worshippers.
Contemporary(समकालीन) - A person who lives at the same time as another.
Dead/Extint Language (विलुप्त भाषा) - A language that is no longer spoken.
Dictatorship(अधिनायकत्व) - Government carried on by an absolute ruler:
Effeminate (स्रैण)- A man whose manners are more like those of a woman.
Emissary (दूत)- A person sent on a mission (usually official).
Extempore(अचिंतित) - A speech made without preparation.
Fatalist(भाग्यवादी) - One who believes in fate 
Germicide(रोगाणुनाशक) - A substance that kills germs
Honorary(मानद) - Conferred as an honour, or performed without pay.
Illegal(अवैध) - Contrary to law.
Illicit(अवैध) - Forbidden, prohibited by law.
Immigrant(आप्रवासी) - One who comes as a settler into a foreign country
Impregnable(अभेद्य) - That which cannot be taken by force of arms.
Insolvant(दिवालिया) - Being unable to pay one's debts.
Inadmissible(अस्वीकार्य) - That which cannot be admitted or allowed.
Incombustible(न जलने योग्य) - That which cannot be burnt.
Indestructible(अक्षय) - That which cannot be destroyed.
Indivisible(अभाज्य) - That which cannot be divided.
Inexcusable(अक्षम्य) - That which cannot be excused.
Inexpressible(अकथनीय) - That which cannot be expressed in words
Infanticide(शिशुघातक) - Murder of a new-born infant.
Insecticide(कीटनाशक) - A substance that kills insects.
Invisible(अदृश्य) - That which cannot be seen.
Irreconcilable(कट्टर विरोधी) - That which cannot be reconciled.
Irrevocable(अटल) - That which cannot be recovered.
Linguist (भाषाविद्)- One who knows many languages.
Mammmels(स्तनपायी) - Animals which give suck to their young.
Martyr(शहीद) - One who undergoes penalty of death for sticking to his faith. 
Misanthropist(मनुष्यद्रोही) - One who hates mankind.
Nursery(पौधशाला) - A place where young plants are reared.
Notorious(कुख्यात) - Having an evil reputation.
Omnipotent(सर्वशक्तिमान) - Being all-powerful.
Omniscient(सर्वज्ञ) - One who knows everything. 
Optimist(आशावादी) - One who looks at the bright side of things. 
Orphan(अनाथ) - A child whose parents are dead.
Patricide(पितृहंता) - Murder of one's own father.
Matricide(मातृहंता) - Murder of one's own mother.
Fratricide(भ्रातृहंता) - Murder of one's own brother.
Patriot(देश-भक्त)  - One who defends or is zealous for his country's freedom or rights. 
Pessimist(निराशावादी) - One who looks at the dark side of things.
Polygamy(बहुविवाह) - The practice of having more than one wife at the same time. 
Posthumous(मरणोपरांत) - A child born after the death of his father or a book published after the death of its author.
Regicide(राज-हत्‍या) - Murder of a king.
Retaliate(प्रतिकार करना) - Give tit for tat.
Simultaneous(एक ही समय में होनेवाला) - Occurring at the same time. 
Stoic(उदासीन) - A person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain.
Teetotaller(मद्यत्यागी) - One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks.
Thermometer(तापमापी) - An instrument for measuring temperature.
Unanimous(सर्व-सम्मत) - All of one mind.
Universal(सार्वभौमिक) - Belonging to all parts of the world.
Vegetarian(शाकाहारी) - One who lives on vegetables.
Voluntary(स्वैच्छिक) - Of one's own free will.
Widower(विधुर) - A man whose wife is dead.

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