सैनिक स्कूलों में प्रवेश परीक्षा एवं अन्य विविध गतिविधियों की जानकारियॉं
Sunday, November 5, 2023
51 Important GK Questions on Human Blood for Competitive Exams | GK Questions with Answers | AISSEE | KV | JNV | Entrance Exam
51 Important Questions on the Human Body for Competitive Exams with Answers | AISSEE | KV | Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam
51 Important Questions on the Human Body for Competitive Exams with Answers
50+ Important Questions on Human Body for competitive exam | Top GK Questions of Human Body
50+ Important Questions on Human Body for competitive exam | Top GK Questions of Human Body
At very high altitude the RBC in the human body will – Increase in number
Blood is red in colour due to the presence of – Haemoglobin
Bones are connected by which tissue – Ligaments
Colour of eye depends upon pigment presence in – Iris
DPT vaccine is helpful in prevent the disease – Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus
ECG is used for the diagnosis of ailments of – Heart
Failure of which gland results in diabetes in human body – Pancreas
How many basic tastes can humans sense – 5 (sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami)
Image formed on which part of eye – Retina
In human body dialysis is used for failure of which organ – Kidney
In human body formation of red blood cells occur at – Bone marrow
In human body where is tibia bone found – Leg
In human body which organ has maximum power of generation – Liver
In human eye the least distance of distinct vision is – 25 cm
In human universal donor has the blood group of – O
Myopia and hypermetropia diseases connected with – Eyes
Name the largest bone in human body – Femur
Name the largest joint in the human body – Knee
Name the largest vein in human body – Interior Venacava
Name the largest white blood corpuscle – Monocyte
Name the longest muscle in human body – Sartorus muscle
Name the most commonly broken bone in the human body – Clavicle (collarbone)
Name the smallest bone in human body – Stapes
Name the smallest endocrine gland in human body – Pituitary gland
Name the smallest muscle in the human body – Stapedius
Our bones and teeth are made of which element – Tricalcium Phosphate
Thalassemia is hereditary diseases which affects – Blood
Transport of oxygen in human body by – Blood
Universal recipient has the blood group of – AB
What is life span of RBC – 120 days
What is the another name of human voice box – Larynx
What is the average length of large intestine – 1.5 meter
What is the average length of small intestine – 7 meter
What is the body temperature of healthy human – 36.9 or 27 degree centigrade
What is the largest part of brain – Cerebrum
What is the main constituent of hemoglobin – Iron
What is the number of chormosomes in human cell – 46 (23 pairs)
What is the semi-circular area of nail called – Lunula
What is the total number of bone in human body – 206
Where is mendible bone is located – Jaw
Which component of blood is responsible for clotting – Platelets
Which gland is associated with blood pressure – Adrenal gland
Which gland is associated with disease goiter – thyroid gland
Which hormone is called emergency hormone in human body – Adrenaline gland
Which instrument is used to measure blood pressure – Sphygnomanometer
Which is the largest blood vessel in human body – Aorta
Which isotope of cobalt is used in detection of cancer – Cobalt – 60
Which organ filters blood in human body – Spleen
Why blood do not clot inside the blood vessel – due to presence of heparin
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Most Important Questions on Human Body System for Competitive Exams // Sainik School Entrance Exam // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya // RIMC
About how much urine is produced in the human body every day - about 1 to 1.5 liters
Blind dot or yellow dot are found in which part of the eye - Retina
How long does it take to circulate blood in the human body - 23 seconds
How many bones are there in an adult human - 206
How many cells are there in the heart of a human being - 4
How many layers of skin are there in the epidermis- 5
How many times does a human heart beat ? 72 times/ minute
Krebs cycle occurs in which organ - Mitochondria
The exchange of gases in the lungs is done by whom - by Blood
The level of glucose in the blood is expressed in – in milligrams per decilitre
The number of RBCs is more in mountain dwellers, because - the air on the mountain is less condensed
Urea is produced in which organ in the human body - Liver
What causes urine to smell - Due to urea
What is omnivorous blood group- AB+
What is the amount of blood in a human being - about 5-6 liters
What is the amount of blood of the body weight - 7%
What is the amount of water in the human body-about 60%
What is the average pH value of a normal person's blood - 7.35 - 7.45PH
What is the largest part of the body - skin
What is the life span of white blood Cell (WBC) - 2 to 4 days
What is the name of the largest cell of the human body - Nervous System
What is the number of amino acids in the human body- 20
What is the number of chromosomes in the human body - 46 (23 pairs)
What is the pH value of human urine?- 6.0
What is the process of purification of blood in the human body called - dialysis
What is the respiratory rate of a healthy human being - 16 to 18 times per minute
What is the shape of DNA called - Double Helix
What is the study of the beauty of man called - Kelology
What is the weight of the human brain - 1350 to 1400 grams
What kind of ties are the bones of our skull interconnected by - Fixed joint
Where is the bone called tibia found in the human body- feet
Where is the strongest bone in the human body- Jaw bone
Where is vitamin A stored in the human body - Liver
Where red blood cells (RBC) are mainly formed -in the Bone marrow
Which is the blood pressure measuring instrument –Sphygmomanometer
Which is the enzyme found in saliva- Tylene
Which is the hardest substance in the human body?- Teeth
Which is the heaviest organ of the human – Liver
Which is the largest internal organ of the human body - Liver
Which is the largest part of the human brain-Ceribrum
Which is the longest bone in the human body? – The Femur
Which is the most toxic excretory substance- Ammonia
Which is the organ that purifies blood - Kidney
Which is the weakest bone in the human body? -clavicle or collar bone
Which structure of the eye is the most sensitive but does not contain blood vessels- cornea
Who was the discoverer of blood groups? - Carl Landsteiner
Monday, October 30, 2023
Most Important Foreign Words and Phrases Used in English // Important for competitive Exams // AISSEE // KV// JNV
Most Important Foreign Words and Phrases Used in English // Important for competitive Exams // AISSEE // KV// JNV
Ad interim/ अस्थायी (Latin) In the meantime.
Ad referendum/ अधिक विचार के लिए (Latin) - For further consideration.
Affair d'amour/प्रेम प्रसंग (Latin) - A love affair.
Alma Mater/ मातृसंस्था (Latin) - the school, college, or university that one once attended..
Annie Christi (Latin) - In the year of Christ.
Ars Longa, Vita brevis (Latin) - Art is long, life is short.
Au revoir (French) - Adieu, until we meet again.
Auto (Spanish) -An act, a drama.
Bastide (French) - A French country house.
Beau jour (French) - Fine day, good times.
Beneficiare (French) The person receiving - benefits.
Bon voyage (French) - A good journey to you.
Bonjour (French)-Good day: good morning,
Bourgeoise (French)- The tradesman-gentleman.
Cara sposa (Italian) - Dear wife.
Chef (French)-Male-headcook.
Cognito, ergo sum (Latin)-I think, therefore I am.
Coup d'etat (French) Sudden decisive blow in politics.
Danke, Schoon (German) - Many thanks.
De facto (Latin) - From the fact, really.
Dei gratia (Latin) By the grace of God.
Deus ex machina (Latin) - A God out of the machine.
Dramatis personae (Latin) - Characters in a drama or a play.
Edition de luxe (French) - A splendid and expensive edition of a book.
En famille (French) - Amongs the family, as at home, without ceremony.
En prince (French) - In princely style.
En route (French) -On the road; let us go; march.
Entente (French) - Understanding.
Epouse (French) - Wife, bride.
Estancia (Spanish) - A mansion.
Ethos (Greek) - Permanent character; in literature and art, chief characteristics of a work as affecting the intellectual and moral faculties, as opposed to pathos which appeals to the emotions.
Etranger (French) - Stranger, a foreigner.
Eureka (Meureka) (Greek) - I have found it!
Exceptio confirmat (probat) regulam (Latin) - The exception proves the rule.
Fait accompli (French) - A thing already done.
Gens de letters (French) Literary man.
Id est (Latin) - That is.
In camera (Latin) - In a private room.
In toto (Latin) - In the whole; entirely.
Lingua franca (Italian) - Mixed language.
Magnum opus (Latin) A great work.
Modus operandi (Latin) -- Manner of working.
Ominia Vinist Labor (Latin) - Labour overcomes all things.
Par excellence (French) - By way of eminence.
R.S.V.P. (Response, si'l vous plail) (French)-Reply,if you please, an answer will oblige.
Terra incognita (Latin) - An unknown country.
Via media (Latin) - A middle course.
Vis-a-vis (French) - Opposite, face to face.
Top Foreign Words and Phrases Used in English // Important for competitive Exams // AISSEE // KV// JNV
Top Foreign Words and Phrases Used in English // Important for competitive Exams // AISSEE // KV// JNV
Ab initio/ प्रारंभ से (Latin) - From the beginning.
Ad hoc/ तदर्थ (Latin) - For the special purpose.
Ad libitum/ यथेच्छ (Latin) - As much as one pleases.
Ad valorem/ महत्व के लिए (Latin) - According to value.
A'la mode/ फैशनेबल (French) - Accroding to the custom; in fashion.
Alter ego/ एक और स्व (Latin) -One's other self..
Ante Meridien (Latin) - Before noon.
Au Contraire(Latin) - On the contrary.
Auf wiederschen!(German) - Till we meet again, good bye.
Basta (Italian)-Enough! no more!
Beau garcon (French) - A handsome man.
Bene qui latiut bene vixit (Latin) He has lived well who has lived obscure.
Bon homie (French) - Good nature.
Bona fide (Latin) - Good faith.
Bourgeois (French) - A towns man, a trader of the middle class.
Boutique (French) - A shop, tradesman's stock.
Carpe-diem (Latin) - Enjoy the present day.
Chesara' sara' (Italian) - What will be will be.
Coiffeur (French) - Hair dresser.
Crime de la crime (French) - Cream of the cream; the very best.
De boone grace (French) - With good grace.
De jure (Latin) - From the law; by right.
Detenu (French) - A prisoner.
Donna e' mobile (Italian) - Woman is changeable.
Ecce! (Latin) - Behold!
Elite (French) The best part.
En masse (French) In a body, universally.
En rapport (French) - In direct relation; in sympathy with.
En ville (French) - In town, 'not at home". 1
Entrepreneur (French) - Contractor, builder.
Errare est humanum (Latin)-To err is human.
Et tu, Brute! (Latin) You too, Brutus!(Caesar's exclamation when he saw his much loved Brutus amongst the murderers).
Etoile (French) - Star.
Euge! (Latin, Greek) - Well done!
Excelsior (Latin) - Higher; (erroneously) upwards.
Fade (French) - Insipid, colourless.
Fenome (French) - Woman, wife.
Ibidem (Latin) - In the same place, thing or case.
Impasse (French) - A deadlock.
In memorium (Latin) - To the memory of.
Inter alia (Latin)-Among other things.
Locus Standi (Latin) A right to interfere.
Marriage the convenance (French) - Marriage of convenience.
Mon ami (French) - My friend.
Par example (Latin) - For example.
Prima facie (Latin) - On the first view.
Sine die (Latin) - Without a day being appointed. Status quo (Latin) The state in which (it was).
Ultra vires (Latin) - Beyond one's powers.
Vice versa (Latin) - The terms being exchanged.
Viva voce (Latin) - By the living voice.
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Top 100 One Word Substitutions for Competitive Exam // Sainik School Entrance Exam AISSEE// RIMC // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam
Top 100 One Word Substitutions for Competitive Exam // Sainik School Entrance Exam AISSEE// RIMC // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam
Amateur (शौकिया)- One who plays a game for pleasure and not professionally.
Amnesty (राज-क्षमा)- A general pardon of political offenders.
Anniversary (सालगिरह)- The yearly return of a date.
Antidote (विषहर औषध)- A medicine to counteract the effect of poison.
Armistice (युद्धविराम) - The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed.
Audience(श्रोता) - An assembly of listeners.
Autocracy(निरंकुशता) - An absolute government.
Bureaucracy (नौकरशाही) - Government by officials.
Cemetery(कब्रिस्तान) - A place for burial of dead bodies.
Congregation(मण्डली) - An assembly of worshippers.
Contemporary(समकालीन) - A person who lives at the same time as another.
Dead/Extint Language (विलुप्त भाषा) - A language that is no longer spoken.
Dictatorship(अधिनायकत्व) - Government carried on by an absolute ruler:
Effeminate (स्रैण)- A man whose manners are more like those of a woman.
Emissary (दूत)- A person sent on a mission (usually official).
Extempore(अचिंतित) - A speech made without preparation.
Fatalist(भाग्यवादी) - One who believes in fate
Germicide(रोगाणुनाशक) - A substance that kills germs
Honorary(मानद) - Conferred as an honour, or performed without pay.
Illegal(अवैध) - Contrary to law.
Illicit(अवैध) - Forbidden, prohibited by law.
Immigrant(आप्रवासी) - One who comes as a settler into a foreign country
Impregnable(अभेद्य) - That which cannot be taken by force of arms.
Insolvant(दिवालिया) - Being unable to pay one's debts.
Inadmissible(अस्वीकार्य) - That which cannot be admitted or allowed.
Incombustible(न जलने योग्य) - That which cannot be burnt.
Indestructible(अक्षय) - That which cannot be destroyed.
Indivisible(अभाज्य) - That which cannot be divided.
Inexcusable(अक्षम्य) - That which cannot be excused.
Inexpressible(अकथनीय) - That which cannot be expressed in words
Infanticide(शिशुघातक) - Murder of a new-born infant.
Insecticide(कीटनाशक) - A substance that kills insects.
Invisible(अदृश्य) - That which cannot be seen.
Irreconcilable(कट्टर विरोधी) - That which cannot be reconciled.
Irrevocable(अटल) - That which cannot be recovered.
Linguist (भाषाविद्)- One who knows many languages.
Mammmels(स्तनपायी) - Animals which give suck to their young.
Martyr(शहीद) - One who undergoes penalty of death for sticking to his faith.
Misanthropist(मनुष्यद्रोही) - One who hates mankind.
Nursery(पौधशाला) - A place where young plants are reared.
Notorious(कुख्यात) - Having an evil reputation.
Omnipotent(सर्वशक्तिमान) - Being all-powerful.
Omniscient(सर्वज्ञ) - One who knows everything.
Optimist(आशावादी) - One who looks at the bright side of things.
Orphan(अनाथ) - A child whose parents are dead.
Patricide(पितृहंता) - Murder of one's own father.
Matricide(मातृहंता) - Murder of one's own mother.
Fratricide(भ्रातृहंता) - Murder of one's own brother.
Patriot(देश-भक्त) - One who defends or is zealous for his country's freedom or rights.
Pessimist(निराशावादी) - One who looks at the dark side of things.
Polygamy(बहुविवाह) - The practice of having more than one wife at the same time.
Posthumous(मरणोपरांत) - A child born after the death of his father or a book published after the death of its author.
Regicide(राज-हत्या) - Murder of a king.
Retaliate(प्रतिकार करना) - Give tit for tat.
Simultaneous(एक ही समय में होनेवाला) - Occurring at the same time.
Stoic(उदासीन) - A person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain.
Teetotaller(मद्यत्यागी) - One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks.
Thermometer(तापमापी) - An instrument for measuring temperature.
Unanimous(सर्व-सम्मत) - All of one mind.
Universal(सार्वभौमिक) - Belonging to all parts of the world.
Vegetarian(शाकाहारी) - One who lives on vegetables.
Voluntary(स्वैच्छिक) - Of one's own free will.
Widower(विधुर) - A man whose wife is dead.
Saturday, October 28, 2023
One Word Substitution for Competitive Exam // Sainik School Entrance Exam AISSEE// RIMC // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam
One Word Substitution for Competitive Exam // Sainik School Entrance Exam AISSEE// RIMC // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam
Alien (विदेशी) - One who resides in a country of which he is not a citizen.
Ambassador (राजदूत)- A minister representing a sovereign or state in a foreign country.
Anarchy (अराजकता)- The absence of government in a country.
Anonymous (अज्ञात)- Of unknown or unadmitted authorship.
Apostate (धर्मत्यागी)- One who abandons his religious faith.
Atheist (नास्तिक)- One who has no belief in the existence of God.
Autobiography (आत्मकथा)- The life history of a person written by himself.
Biography (जीवनी)- The life history of a person written by another.
Cannibal (नरभक्षी)- One who eats human flesh.
Conductor (परिचालक)- A person who collects fares on a public vehicle.
Conscription (भर्ती)- Compulsory enlistment for military or other service.
Cosmopolitan (सर्वदेशीय)- Belonging to all parts of the world; a person familiar with many different countries.
Democracy (लोकतंत्र)- Government by the representatives of the people.
Draw(अनिर्णीत) - The result of the match where neither party wins.
Emigrant (उत्प्रवासी)- One who leaves his country to settle elsewhere.
Eternal (शाश्वत)- Existing for ever-without any beginning or end.
Fatal or mortal (घातक)- Resulting in death.
Forgery (जालसाजी)- Counterfeiting of document.
Homicide (मानव वध)- The killing of human beings.
Hospitable (मेहमाननवाज)- Fond of entertaining guests.
Illegible (अपठनीय)- That which cannot be read.
Illiterate (अनपढ़)- A person who can neither read nor write.
Imperceptible (अगोचर) - That which cannot be perceived by sense.
Inaccessible (अगम्य)- That which cannot be reached.
Inaudible (अश्रव्य)- That which cannot be heard.
Incredible (अतुल्य)- That which cannot be believed.
Indispensable (अपरिहार्य) - That which cannot be dispensed with.
Ineligible (अयोग्य)- Not being able to be elected or selected under the rules.
Inexplicit (अस्पष्ट)- Not definitely or clearly expressed.
Infallible (अचूक)- Beyond making a mistake.
Inflammable (ज्वलनशील)- That which can be easily set on fire.
Invincible (अजेय)- That which cannot be conquered.
Invulnerable (अभेद्य) - That which cannot be wounded.
Irrevocable (अपरिवर्तनीय)- That which cannot be altered or recalled.
Logic (तर्क)- The science of reasoning.
Manuscript (पाण्डुलिपि)- A paper written by hand.
Mercenary(किराये का) - The motive merely to get money.
Mortal (नश्वर)- Subject to death.
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)- The word which is no longer in use.
Omnipresent (सर्वव्यापी)- Being present everywhere.
Opaque (अपारदर्शी)- Not allowing the passage of light.
Orator (वक्ता)- One who makes an eloquent public speech.
Panacea (रामबाण)- A cure for all diseases.
Patrimony (पैतृक सम्पत्ति)- Property inherited from one's father or ancestors.
Pedestrian (पदयात्री)- One who walks on foot.
Philanthropist (परोपकारी)- One who loves and works for his fellow men.
Polygon (बहुभुज)- A figure with many angles or sides.
Recluse(वैरागी) - A person who lives by himself.
Republic(गणतन्त्र) - A state in which the Government is carried on nominally, and usually in fact also, by the people or their elected representatives without a monarch.
Sceptic(सन्देहवादी) - One who is given to questioning the truth of facts and the soundness of inferences.
Spendthrift (खर्चीला)- A person who spends his money recklessly.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)- Taking of one's own life.
Theist (आस्तिक)- One who has belief in the existence of God.
Transparent (पारदर्शी)- Allowing the passage of rays of light.
Unavoidable (अपरिहार्य)- That which cannot be avoided.
Usurer (सूदखोर)- One who lends money at exhorbitant rates of interest
Veteran (वयोवृद्ध/सेवानिवृत्त)- One who has grown old in or has long experience of (specially military) service or occupation
Widow (विधवा)- A woman whose husband is dead.
Wirelesss or radio - Method of sending messages without the help of wires.
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Most Important Synonyms for Competitive Exams // Sainik School Entrance // RIMC // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam
Accelerate (तेज करना)- intensify, redouble, step up, stimulate, energize.
All (सब)- aggregate, total, whole, gross, sum
Accuse (दोषारोपण)- calumniate, Slander, malign, denigrate, blacken, varnish, sully
Apathetic (उदासीन)- unenthusiastic, unambitious, unstirred, unimpassioned, un- inspired, unmoved
Association (सम्बद्ध)– League, alliance, axis, federation
Abash (शर्मिन्दा)- embarrass, modest, timid, be ashamed
Abode (निवास)- dwelling, residence, home
Bate (घटाना)- diminish, decrease, lessen, deduct
Bedevil (भ्रमित करना)- confuse, confound, complicate, perplex, involve, entangle, embroil
Bizarre (विचित्र)- strange, curious, odd, queer, funny, peculiar, grotesque
Behaviour (आचरण)- demeanour, conduct, deportment
Beseech (विनती करना)- appeal, implore, crave, beg
Babble (प्रलाप)- nonsense, bombast, jargon
Bashful (संकोची)- reserve, shy, coy, demure
Booty (लूट)- spoil, plunder, prey
Circumstance (परिस्थित) - factor, situation, environment, condition
Compensatory (मुआवजा)- compensating, countervailing, balancing
Continuity (निरन्तरता)- cohesion, connectedness, tenaciousness
Constitute (गठन)- compose, form, make, construct, organise, build
Curial (न्यायिक)- judicatory, judicial, inquisitional.
Contend (संघर्ष)- combat, strive, struggle, fight, campaign, tussle, wrestle, grapple
Cajole (चापलूसी करना)- flatter, wheedle, inveigle
Cling (चिपकना)- stick, adhere, hug
Cheerless (हर्षहीन)- dejected, gloomy, mournful, sad
Degree (अनुपात)- proportion, ratio, scale
Disorder (असंगति)- incoordination, muddle, chaos, anarchy
Devil (शैतान)- fiend, imp, satan
Drunk (नशे में)- inebriated, intoxicated, flushed, elevated, exhilarated
Dislike (नापसन्द)- repugnance, detestation, loathing, abhorrence, disfavour, disaffection
Dangerous (खतरनाक)- dreadful, fearsome, awesome
Disfigure (कुरूप करना)- deform, cripple, maim, deface
Dandy (रंगीन मिजाज)- coxcomb, puppy, man about town
Deity (देवता)- omnipotence, providence, God
Devoid (रहित)- release, exempt from, immune from, empty
Ethnic (जातीय) - racial, tribal, phyletic, clannish
Extensive (व्यापक)- far-ranging, far-flying, far- reaching, far-stretching, vast
Ending (अन्त)- final, terminal, last, ultimate, extreme, polar, conclusive, crowning
Endorse (समर्थन)- legislate, pass, enact, ordain, enforce, agree
Erotic (कामुक)- aphrodisiac, erotogenic, amatory
Elegance (लालित्य)- cultivation, culture, aestheticism, grace
Elevation (ऊँचाई)- eminence, loftiness, sublimity, height, zenith, culmination
Effulgence (तेजस्विता)- arrogance, haughtiness, shamelessness
Fragmentary (खण्डित)- broken, crumbly, in bits, in pieces
First (प्रथम)- initial, maiden, starting, natal, original
Flatterer (चापलूस)- sycophant, parasite, sponger, jackal, hanger-on
Fervent (उत्कट)- fervid, passionate, intense, earnest, impassioned
Friction (घर्षण) - interference, interruption, interception, intervention, interposition
Fructify (फलित करना)- generate, impregnate, multiply
Feeble (क्षीण)- frail, languid, faint, weak
Fraud (कपट)- imposture, deception, duplicity
Group (समूह)- constellation, galaxy, cluster, bevy, flock, team, flight, school, unit
Gluttony (लोलुपता)- greediness, rapacity, insatiability, voracity, gulosity
Given (दिया हुआ)- bestowed, gifted, gratuitous, gratis
Gesticulate(इशारा करना) - wink, nod, beck, nudge, gesture
Generous (उदार)- liberal, bountiful, magnanimous
Hymn (स्तोत्र)- song, religious lyric, psalm, anthem, paean
Hypocritical (पाखण्डी)- traitorous, treasonous, disloyal
Humbled (दीन)- faded, withered, tarnished, discredited
Hindrance (रुकावट)- impediment, obstruction, restriction, hampering, barrier
Hoodwink (आंख में धूल झोंकना)- mystify, puzzle, deceive, lead astray
Henpecked (स्त्रैण) - enslaved, under one's thumb, tied to one's apron string
Harass (सताना)- trouble, afflict, inflict
Inaptitude (अयोग्यता)- unfitness, incapacity, incompetence
Intact (अक्षुण्ण)- untouched, unaffected, unbroken, unimpaired, unabridged, uncensored
Indict (अभियोग)- impeach, arraign, complain, charge, convict
Inimical (शत्रुतापूर्ण)- unfriendly, loveless, unsympathetic, disenchanted
Join (जुड़ना)- conjoin, yoke, hyphenate, bracket, assemble, unite
Justice (न्याय)- impartiality, equity, fairness, right, integrity, justness
Keen (कुशाग्र) - sharp, acute, penetrating, eager
Knowledge(विद्या) - scholarship, erudition, learning, attainments, education, acquirements
Large (बड़ा)- substantial, considerable, sizeable, bulky, massy, massive
Lax (ढीला)- loose, slack, decentralized, disorganized
Middle class(मध्यम वर्ग) - bourgeois, black-coat worker, white-collar worker
Modesty(नम्रता) - lowliness, unpretentiousness, meekness, resignation, self- depreciation, self-effacement, humble.
Native (मूल निवासी)- indigenous, original, inbred, real, primitive, intrinsic
Necessary (आवश्यक)- needful, indispensable, expedient, requisite, essential, unavoidable, inevitable
Nervous (घबराया हुआ)- timorous, shaky, timid, hesitant
Overstep (अतिक्रमण) - exceed, pass, surpass, overtrump, outshine, eclipse, overshadow
Occultist (गुह्यवादी)- mystic, transcendentalist, esoteric, theosophist, spiritualist, alchemist
Ornamental (सजावटी)- decorative, fancy, glamorous, picturesque, quaint
Obstruct (बाधा)- shield, hinder, armour, fortify
Opponent (विरोधी)- opposer, adversary, antagonist
Precursor (पूर्ववर्ती)- predecessor, ancestor, forbear
Pietistic (आन्दोलन सम्बन्धी) - fervent, seraphic, inspired, austere
Promote(पदोन्नति) - honour, bemedal, elevate, ennoble
Prodigal (उड़ाऊ)- spender, waster, spendthrift, squanderer
Quake (काँपना)- shake, tremble, quiver, shiver, shudder, stutter
Relation (सम्बन्ध)- reference, respect, regard, rapport
Remainder (शेष)- residue, residuals, result, left over
Repentant (अचानक)- contrite, remorseful, regretful, apologetic, sorry
Relinquish (त्यागना)- retire, waive, disclaim, surrender, forego
Repulsive (घृणित)- ugly, repelling, odious, revolting, offensive, loathsome
Rumour (अफवाह)- hearsay, scandal
Superiority (श्रेष्ठता)- sublimity, transcendence, loftiness
Survivor (उत्तरजीवी)- finisher, inheritor, heir, successor
Sequent (अनुक्रम)- following, succeeding, incoming ensuing, next
Sorcery (टोना-टोटका)- witchery, spellbinding, magic, wizardry
Selfish (स्वार्थी)- ego-centric, egoistic, self-absorbed, narcissistic
Stimulate (उत्तेजित करना)- provoke, urge, instigate, incite
Suppress (दबाना)- check, impede, restrain, bridle
Turmoil (उथल-पुथल) - turbulence, tumult, frenzy, storm, upheavel, convulsion
Trustworthy (भरोसेमन्द)- sterling, reliable, dependable, trusty, faithful, loyal
Tasteful (सुस्वादु)- gracious, dignified, choice, exquisite
Tyrant (अत्याचारी)- oppressor, bully, despot, persecutor, autocrat
Tremble (काँपना)- shiver, quake, quiver, shudder, vibrate, oscillate
Tough (कठोर)- tenacious, strong, firm, stiff, fibrous, leathery, rigid, durable, rough
Unborn (अजन्मा)- uncreated, unmade, unconceived, undiscovered, uninvented, unimagined
Unravel (सुलझाना)- untangle, comb out, unweave, uncoil, untwist, untwine
Unbeaten (अपराजित) - unsubdued, unvanquished, unbeatable, invincible, undefeated
Unfair (अनुचित)- unjust, wrongful, dishonest, partial, dishonourable
Use (उपयोग)- exercise, employ, utilise, practise, Occupy
Vice (अवगुण)- fault, demerit, infirmity, frailty, foible
Violent (हिंसक) - excessive, atrocious, brutal, fierce, savage
Variegated (रंग-बिरंगा)- inlaid, enamelled, embroidered, trimmed
Veracity (सत्यता)- reality, honesty, truthfulness, frankness
Vivid (विशद)- clear, apparent, bright
Vibrate (कम्पन)- quiver, oscillate, swing, sway, shiver, shake
Vacant (खाली)- empty, unoccupied, void, unfulfilled, exhausted
Whole (सम्पूर्ण)- total, universal, holistic, integral
Wicked (दुष्ट)- bad, unvirtuous, immoral
Wonderful (अद्भुत)- wondrous, marvellous, miraculous, phenomenal, stupendous
Wealth (धन)- riches, abundance, fortune, plenty
Yield (उपज)- forego, surrender, concede, abandon, waive
Zero (शून्य)- nought, nil, nothing, cipher