Thursday, November 9, 2023

100 Important Inventions and their Inventors | आविष्‍कार और आविष्‍कारक | AISSEE | KV | JNV | Entrance Exam

100 Important Inventions and their Inventors | आविष्‍कार और आविष्‍कारक | AISSEE | KV | JNV | Entrance Exam

Air Conditioner - Willis Haviland Carrier
Airplane (Powered) - Wilbur and Orville Wright
Analytical Engine (Precursor to Computers) - Charles Babbage
Antiseptic Surgery - Joseph Lister
Arithmometer (Mechanical Calculator) - Charles Babbage
Atomic Bomb - J. Robert Oppenheimer and team
Ballpoint Pen - Laszlo Biro
Barometer - Evangelista Torricelli
Basketball - James Naismith
Battery - Alessandro Volta
Braille - Louis Braille
Calculator - Blaise Pascal
Cement - Joseph Aspdin
Cotton Gin - Eli Whitney
Daguerreotype (Photography) - Louis Daguerre
Diesel Engine - Rudolf Diesel
Disposable Razor - King C. Gillette
DNA Double Helix Structure - James Watson and Francis Crick
Draisine (Bicycle Precursor) - Karl Drais
Electric Guitar - Adolph Rickenbacker and George Beauchamp
Electric Iron - Henry W. Seeley
Electric Power Transmission - Nikola Tesla
Electric Refrigerator - Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard
Electric Washing Machine - Alva J. Fisher
Electron Microscope - Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll
Elevator - Elisha Otis
Elevator Brake - Elisha Otis
ENIAC (Early Digital Computer) - John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly
Fahrenheit Scale - Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
Fire Extinguisher - George William Manby
Firecracker - Li Tian
First Successful Airplane (Wright Flyer) - Orville and Wilbur Wright
Friction Match - John Walker
Gatling Gun - Richard Gatling
Geiger Counter - Hans Geiger
Harmonic Telegraph - Alexander Graham Bell
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - Tim Berners-Lee
Instant Camera - Edwin Land
Insulin - Frederick Banting and Charles Best
Jet Engine - Frank Whittle
Jet Pack - Wendell Moore
Keplerian Telescope - Johannes Kepler
Laser - Arthur Schawlow and Charles Townes
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) - George H. Heilmeier
Light Bulb - Thomas Edison
Light Emitting Diode (LED) - Nick Holonyak Jr.
Lightning Rod - Benjamin Franklin
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - Paul C. Lauterbur and Sir Peter Mansfield
Marine Chronometer - John Harrison
Marine Chronometer - John Harrison
Mechanical Clock - Al-Jazari (Islamic Golden Age)
Mechanical Television - John Logie Baird
Metal Detector - Alexander Graham Bell
Microprocessor - Ted Hoff, Stanley Mazor, and Federico Faggin
Microwave Oven - Percy Spencer
Morse Code - Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail
Motion Picture Camera/Projector - Thomas Edison
Motorwagen (Gasoline-Powered Automobile) - Karl Benz
Nylon - Wallace Carothers
Pacemaker - Wilson Greatbatch
Pen - Lewis Waterman
Pencil with Eraser - Hyman Lipman
Penicillin - Alexander Fleming
Periodic Table - Dmitri Mendeleev
Polio Vaccine - Jonas Salk
Printing Press - Johannes Gutenberg
Printing Press with Movable Type - Bi Sheng (China)
Radar - Sir Robert Watson-Watt
Refrigeration System - Jacob Perkins
Remote Control - Robert Adler
Safety Glass - Edouard Benedictus
Safety Razor - King C. Gillette
Sandwich - John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich
Sewing Machine - Elias Howe
Singer Sewing Machine - Isaac Singer
Smallpox Vaccine - Edward Jenner
Solar Cell - Bell Laboratories
Spinning Jenny - James Hargreaves
Steam Engine - James Watt
Steam Turbine - Charles Parsons
Steamboat (Clermont) - Robert Fulton
Steam-Driven Locomotive - George Stephenson
Stethoscope - René Laennec
Telegraph - Samuel Morse
Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell
Telephone Exchange - Tivadar Puskás
Telescope - Hans Lippershey (Galileo Galilei improved upon it)
Television - Philo Farnsworth
Traffic Light - Garrett Morgan
Typewriter - Christopher Sholes
Velcro - George de Mestral
Voltaic Pile (Electric Battery) - Alessandro Volta
Wireless Telegraph - Guglielmo Marconi
World Wide Web - Tim Berners-Lee
World's First Computer Programmer - Ada Lovelace
X-ray - Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

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