Most Important Synonyms for Competitive Exams // Sainik School Entrance // RIMC // KV // Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam
Adaptation (अनुकूलन) - conformation, harmonization, synchronization, matching.
Adjust (समायोजित करना) - fit, suit, adapt, accommodate, conform, synchronize, attune
Add (जोड़) - sum, total, add up.
Accumulation(संचय) - agglomeration, conglomeration, aggregation, concentration
Abnormal (असामान्य) - unnatural, freakish, eccentric, anomalous
Authoritarian (अधिनायकवादी) - masterful, domineering, lordly, bossy, autocratic, dictatorial
Abandon (परित्याग)- desertion, defection, secession, withdrawal
Abhor (घृणित) - loathe, abominate, detest, hate
Adieu (अलविदा) - farewell, good-bye, valediction
Bond (बन्ध)- chain, tie, band, yoke, nexus, link, liaison
Bewitch (वशीकरण करना) - charm, enchant, fascinate
Barbaric (बर्बर)- wild, savage, brutish, uncivilized, uncultured, primitive
Breeze (हवा)- zephyr, gale, wind
Beauty (सौन्दर्य)- elegance, grace, charm, attractiveness
Bandit (डाकू) - robber, plagiarist
Bemoan (विलाप) - lament, mourn, grieve, weep over.
Burnished (जला हुआ)- polished, sleek, glossy
Copy (प्रतिलिपि) - reproduction, replica, facsimile, tracing, transcription, impression
Connect (संलग्न)- attach, annex, tag, clip, contact
Comprehensive (विस्तृत) - omnibus, encyclopedic, all embracing, full-length
Complex (जटिल)- intricate, involved, complicated, mazy, winding
Caress(दुलार) - love, fondle, dandle, pat, kiss, hug
Co-operation (सहयोग) - reciprocity, sympathy, coexistence, league, amity, compatibility
Celibacy (ब्रह्मचर्य) - bachelorhood, chastity.
Calamity (विपत्ति)- disaster, affliction, distress
Competent (सक्षम)- capable, learned, efficient, clever
Disjoin (तोड़ना)- disunite, dissociate, divorce, part, sever, disconnect, unplug
Discontinue (बन्द करना)- interrupt, intervene, interpose, interject, punctuate
Divine (दिव्य)- holy, sanctified, sacred, celestial, sublime, numinous, superhuman
Disinterested (वैराग्य)- dispassionate, impersonal, uninvolved, detached, impartial, indifferent
Degrading (नीचा दिखाना)- lowering, demeaning, ignominious, derogatory
Defiant (उद्दण्ड)- proud, provocative, bellicose, militant, disobedient
Damn (धिक्कार है)- curse, swear, scold, denounce
Deceit (छल)- fraud, bluff, guile, knavery
Demise (निधन)- death, decease, eternal rest, expiry
Existence (अस्तित्व)- life, being, absoluteness
Equilibrium (सन्तुलन)- equipoise, balance, steadiness, poise
Enormous (विशाल)- immense, vast, colossal, monumental
Ecclesiastical (उपशास्त्रीय)- ecclesiastic, churchly, theocratic, heavenly
Enrage (क्रोध)- upset, discompose, ruffle, irritate, annoy, vex, anger
Excellent (उत्कृष्ट)- over-whelming, awe some, awe- inspiring, breath-taking
Earnest (बयाना)- serious, solemn, impressive
Eccentricity (विलक्षणता)- informality, anomaly, peculiarity, but exception
Extempore (तुरन्त)- at once, on the spur of the moment
Foreigner (विदेशी)- alien, stranger, outlandish, expatriate
Forgiving (क्षमा करने योग्य)- placable, condoning, unresentful, forbearing.
Feelingly (महसूस करते हुए) - unctuously, earnestly, devoutly, sincerely
Fatigue (थकान)- overtax, extort, suck, squeeze, grind, tiredness, exhaust
Frigid (सर्द)- cold, chilly, biting, nipping, shivering
Fame (प्रसिद्धि)- reputation, glory, renown
Fickle (चंचल)- changeable, wavering, irresolute, unsteady, amenable
Greatness (महानता)- largeness, bigness, vastness, gigantism, enormousness
Generalise (सामान्यीकरण)- broaden, widen, universalise
Grave (गम्भीर)- serious, sober, solemn, sedate, staid, demure, stern
Gab (गपशप)- jabber, chatter, prattle, twaddle
Greed (लोभ)- avidity, covetousness, rapacity
Gratitude (कृतज्ञता)- thankfulness, gratefulness, indebtedness
Heathen (अनैतिकवादी)- amoralist, materialist, worldling, rude, barbarous
Hard (कठोर)- harsh, rigorous, intolerant, severe, cruel, difficult
Hire (किराया)- rent, farm, lease, charter
Hallucination (मतिभ्रम)- delusion, illusion, self-deceit, dream
Handsome (सुन्दर)- beautiful, graceful, elegant, exquisite
Heap (ढेर)- pile, gather, collect, board, store
Imitate (नकल करना)- ape, parrot, flatter, echo, mirror, reflect
Inferior (अवर)- subordinate, assistant, subsidiary, junior, lower, secondary, auxiliary
Illegal (अवैध) - illegitimate, illicit, contraband, impermissible
Insolence (बदतमीजी) - hubris, arrogance, naughtiness, loftiness.
Intolerable (असहनीय)- insufferable, impossible, unendurable, unbearable, extreme
Jolly (प्रसन्न)- merry, jubilant, lively, festive, gay, jovial, mirthful, hilarious, joyous
Kinship (रिश्तेदारी)- relationship, alliance, ties of blood
Kill (हत्या)- murder, assassinate, destroy, slay, massacre, butcher, slaughter
Lifelike (सजीव)- realistic, photographic, exact, verisimilitude, natural
Lenient (उदार)- gentle, tender, squeamish, placable, unhardened, tolerant, mild
Mismatch (बेमेल)- mismate, misadapt, misfit, miscast
Mixture (मिश्रण)- mingling, blending, harmonization, interpolation
Miscarry (गर्भपात)- abort, misfire, fizzle out, crash
Natural (प्राकृतिक)- normal, usual, consistent, regular, inevitable
Neighbouring (पड़ोसी)- adjacent, near to, contiguous, bordering, close to, proximate
Noble (कुलीन)- stately, dignified, magnanimous, elevated, exalted, lordly
Orderless (अव्यवस्थित)- disordered, disorganized, jumbled, in disarray
Offender (अपराधी)- villain, scoundrel, crook, imposter
Oppress (दमन करना)- tyrannize, overawe, intimidate, terrorize
Opposition (विपक्ष)- disharmony, dissonance, jar, recrimination, bickering, friction, hostility
Plentitude (प्रचुरता)- fullness, maximum, saturation, abundance
Profane (अपवित्र)- unholy, unsanctified, sacrilegious, God-forsaken, infidel, pagan, gentile
Plebian (सामान्य)- common, simple, untitled, ignoble
Patience (धैर्य)- forbearance, endurance, tolerance, sufferance
Quantify (मात्रा निर्धारित करना)- allot, rate, ration
Queer (विचित्र)- eccentric, abnormal, strange, whimsical, wayward, odd, quaint, peculiar
Referral (सन्दर्भ)- allusion, mention, citation, quotation
Ritualistic (अनुष्ठानिक) - ceremonious, formalistic, Sabbatarian, liturgical
Ridiculous (हास्यास्पद)- sardonic, derisive, sarcastic, ironical, quizzical
Retaliatory (प्रतिकारात्मक) - retaliative, revengeful, retributive
Renounce (त्यागना)- abandon, discard, leave, abdicate
Similarity (समानता)- resemblance, likeness, similitude, semblance
Shortening (छोटा करना)- severance, detraction, amputation, excision, curtailing
Scission (विखण्डन)- section, cleavage, division, dichotomy
Sort (क्रम)- order, type, variety, kind
Sensual (कामुक)- earthly, gross, unspiritual
Secluded (एकांत)- private, sequestered, retired, hidden, buried
Spontaneous (सहज)- instinctive, unrestricted, natural, unchecked
Temperament (स्वभाव)- temper, humour, disposition, mood, spirit
Terminate (समाप्त करना)- conclude, close, determinate, decide, settle, finish, consummate
Thankless (कृतघ्न)- rewardless, untipped, bootless, unacknowledged
Tragedy (त्रासदी)- calamity, disaster, catastrophe, affliction
True (सत्य)- exact, accurate, faithful, authentic, veracious
Travel (यात्रा)- journey, voyage, tour, roam, wander, ramble
Theory (सिद्धान्त) - doctrine, hypothesis, supposition, belief, speculation, presumption, postulate, assumption
Unimitated (अद्वितीय)- inimitable, transcendent, unique, unplagiarized
Unfortunate (बदकिस्मत) - ill-fated, unlucky, ill-starred, star-crossed, unblest, luckless, doomed
Understand (समझना)- perceive, apprehend, grasp, discern, realise
Urge (आग्रह)- spur, incite, prompt, impel, goad, stimulate, drive, force
Unconcerned (बेपरवाह) - apathetic, indifferent, cool, disinterested
Virtuous (सदाचारी)- law-abiding, honest, scrupulous, principled, soul-searching. incorruptible, stainless
Vain (व्यर्थ)- shameless, unblushing, unabashed, brazen, conceited
Vindicator (प्रतिशोधक)- patron, paladin, loyalist, guard, sentinel, escort
Vulgar (अश्लील)- indecent, unrefined
Volunteer (स्वयंसेवक)- proffer, tender, propose, offer, undertake, tend
Value (मूल्य)- appreciate, prize, esteem, treasure
Weighty (भारी)- ample, voluminous, capacious
Worship (पूजा)- honour, revere, venerate, adore
Wooing (लुभाना)- courting, spooning, flirting
Warlike (युद्धप्रिय)- militaristic, bellicose, aggressive, combative, unpacific, chaotic
Warmth (गर्मजोशी)- fervour, ardour, affection
Zenith (शिखर)- summit, acme, pinnacle, culmination, height, top, apex, climax